Friday, May 30, 2008

It's time for nine

It's official, my littlest offspring is 9 years old. As the cliche goes, it truly seems like yesterday that she entered into the world. I remember the doctor holding her up and hearing her lung-strong cry. At 7 lbs 4 oz, she was my biggest baby which is hysterical because she is in the -5th percentile on height and weight ... yet she's healthy and even better, she's happy. As is habit in our family, the birthday festivities were spread out over a few days.

She had a birthday party at the local ceramics shop and was joined by six friends. They had a blast painting a little ceramic piece of their choice, and I was able to paint a large platter to commemorate the day. Each of the girls put their thumb print on the memory plate, and I painted their names on it as well. As you can see, she created some great memories that day. I was very proud of her. She was a gracious hostess and made a special point of spending time with each of her guests.

On her actual birthday, we went out to dinner and she feasted on grilled, skewered shrimp and a steamy baked potato. My sister flew out from Chicago to be with her on her special day, and we had a marvelous time.

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