Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meme Tag

Oooh, my first game of cyber tag. Thanks to Marjie, I've been tagged for a meme. First I had to figure out what a meme was. (Let's all pause for a moment of silence for the newbie.) I'm still not certain how to pronounce meme. Does it have a long e sound like one repeats when preparing to sing ... "me me me me me"? Or does it have more of a French accent as if Inspector Clouseau was saying "meh meh"? Perhaps is a combo of sounds ... "mem ee". Regardless, it's time to play ....

1. What was I doing five years ago?
Hmm, that puts me back to summer 2003. That was the summer that hubby man and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. That means this summer we celebrate our 25th. Let's see, what is the gift for 25 years? I think it should be diamonds for moi.

2. Five things I must do today (I'll modify this to include tomorrow because it's late.)
- Meet with my dear buddy to help her with her website
- Mail Father's Day Package of homemade fudge to my dad (I'm a recent fudge making guru.)
- Make a dent in Mt. Laundry
- Prepare for trip to Seattle Homeschool Conference this weekend
- Get oil changed in van and fill 'er up with a full tank of gas so I can make it to Seattle

3. Five snacks I enjoy
Ok, this is a toughie question because I'm not a snacker. Really. Snacks are quite safe around me. However, beings that I just snarfed down brie and bread at my buddy's house, I'm sure I can come up with something.
- Brie cheese with bread rounds (does my buddy take care of me or what?)
- Homemade chex mix (make a gigantic turkey roaster size pan batch every Christmas)
- Popcorn (although I rarely have it, I won't turn down a handful)
- Strawberries (in season, vine ripened, red all the way through please)
- Dark chocolate turtles (the good stuff with real caramel)

4. Five things I'd do if I were a billionaire
- Dedicate funds to epilepsy support and research.
- Pay off mortgages of family and buddies, oh, and my own, plus any debt they have
- Buy a mountain retreat for hubby man, and houses near me for my Dad and sister
- Set up college funds for all my children, nieces, and nephews.
- Replace vehicles

5. Five bad habits (who me, can't you see my halo?)
- Tad bossy, not super bossy, just a tad
- Like things to be done NOW -- I'm so not a procrastinator and don't like it when others do
- Tad bossy -- oops, already said that. It's more like I prefer to provide loving direction and guidance to my family members.
- Like to have everything laid out the night before. Everything. EVERYTHING! Can't stand rushing around last minute looking for stuff.
- Don't like to be late, so I set the clocks ahead. Of course, I know as does everyone else under this roof that the clocks are set ahead, but it's a system that works for me. (Unlike today, though, when traffic made me late arriving at my buddy's house. Grrr. I even allowed extra travel time. Double Grrr. )

6. Five places I've lived - In my case, there are only 4 places
- Valparaiso, Indiana - born and raised
- Chesterton, Indiana
- Seattle (Redmond), Washington
- Oregon

7. Five jobs I've had
- Hospital cafeteria - high school
- Prudential Insurance - high school co-op job
- Midwest Steel/National Steel - secretary
- McCaw Communications/Cellular One/AT&T - Management
- Mom/homeschool teacher/protector and keeper of universe; well, my universe anyway

I'm now supposed to tag someone else; however, I don't know anyone well enough yet to tag, except for Marjie and she tagged me, and I'm assuming there are no tag backs! So, I will reserve the right to tag someone else in the near future.


  1. Thanks for playing along! An anniversary ring or eternity ring is always nice for the 25th....

  2. I love your definition of bossy -provide loving direction and guidance to my family members - I'm going to have to use that one!

  3. Dear Paula,
    Thank you for dropping by our family blog! Sonlight's program is very, very different from Calvert's, and we're having a hard time adjusting, truth be told. Happy summer,and good luck on your 7th grade as well. :D


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!