Tuesday, July 22, 2008

25th Wedding Anniversary

What were you doing on July 23, 1983 at 2:00 pm? I know where I was … walking down the isle to the church pipe organ sounding out “Here Comes The Bride”! That’s right, folks, today hubby man and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary! Gosh, we were just kids when we tied the knot. Oh, what a great ride it’s been! Let’s look back in time at 1983, shall we? How many of these sound familiar to you?

TV Shows: The A-Team premiered on NBC; the last episode of MASH aired, popular shows included Magnum PI, Newhart, The Love Boat, Dallas, and Hart to Hart.

Movies: Star Wars – Return of the Jedi, Flashdance, Sudden Impact, Risky Business, and Vacation

Music: “Dirty Laundry” by Don Henley, “Maneater” by Hall and Oates, “Mickey” by Toni Basil, “Rock The Casbah” by The Clash, “Hungry Like The Wolf” by Duran Duran, “Every Breath You Take” by Police, and “Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics.

See the UST in the background? That's the windshield of our car and part of the words "Just Married!" written in shoe polish courtesy of the groomsmen. Whew, it was hot and humid that day, in the 90's with like 300% humidity, and the church's air conditioner had been struck by lightning the night before and was out of order. We brought in huge fans and set them all around the altar to help keep everyone cool. And although my dress was backless, it was adorned with those long, lacey, beaded sleeves ... in the heat. Love trumps all, though. Gosh, don't we look happy?! And YOUNG!

Politics: Ronald Reagan was US President, Lech Walesa received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Science: Sally Ride was the 1st US Woman Astronaut in space as a crew member. Space Shuttle Challenger had successful maiden voyage. Hurricane Alicia battered Houston and Galveston.

Technology: Radio Shack announced Tandy Model 2000 Computer; The FCC authorized Motorola to begin testing Cellular Phone Service in Chicago (FYI: I spent the majority (almost 10 years) of my professional career in the Cellular Communications Industry.)

This was taken in the city garden park. It's one of my favorite pictures. I can see hubby man's ring shining on his finger. I think he was glad to sit because the shoes that came with the tux he rented were 2 sizes too small. That tux was a real pistol. All the tuxes were delivered on time except for his. He literally got possession of it just hours before the ceremony. He never mentioned any of this to me though; he didn't want me to worry about anything. Oh, and this is a photo of the original photo, so it's kind of wonky-warpy looking. (I think I just made up a word.)

We certainly have had many blessings and some heartache along the way. The good has been really, really good, and the heartache ... well, let's just say that we are really good in crisis mode. My hubby and I truly circle the wagons and pull together during a crisis. I truly believe these situations have been some of our finest hours. Let's recap:

- Each other (Hubby provided the correct answer of Yes, he would marry me again if he had the choice. Aw, nice guy.)
- 3 great children -- kind, loving, smart, and spiritual. Keepers they are, all three of them.
- 5 pets; 2 of whom are still with us. (Kitty cats)
- Health and plenty of food.
- Extended family. (Who call, email, and visit us and like it when we reciprocate.)
- Good friends, both old and new.
- Adventure of moving across country away from friends and family. (Exciting and sad at the same time.)
- Our own home complete with memories of birthdays, holidays, hugs, and kisses.
- Vacations both fancy and rustic.

- Son's Epilepsy diagnosis. (This is one of those finest hour moments. He is amazing!)
- Son critically ill in 12/06. (Another one of those finest hour moments.)
- 3 Miscarriages that broke my heart.
- Deaths of Sister and Best Friend. (Both were in my wedding.)
- Deaths of both Mother In-Law and Father In-Law, and Adult Nephew Billy.
- Moving away from family. (Wish kids could play with their cousins and spend every holiday with relatives.)
- Getting run over crossing the street in the Virgin Islands on our honeymoon. OUCH! That was not fun. Nope, nada. When I asked hubby man if there is anything in the past 25 years that he'd do differently if he could, he said that he would look the other way before crossing the street on our honeymoon. (They drive on the opposite side of the road than what we are accustomed to.)

Shhhh ... don't tell anyone that I wasn't 21 yet when this toast was taking place! Our reception was the best party ever! We danced and danced, and laughed and laughed. My Italian relatives all drove to Indiana, and hubby felt like the Mafia had arrived with all those bold Italian men with their dark hair and white shirts. Of course, we danced the Tarantella just the same as all my relatives before me. The colors are fading in these photos. I actually have very dark hair and hubby man was blond back then. Plus, the bubbly we are drinking is, well, bubbly colored not apple cider color. This is another photo of a photo in an album, so you can see the vignette mat around our heads. oops. I wonder what the blogsphere will be like when I celebrate my 50th anniversary! Happy Day everyone ... have some wine and chocolate, and hug the ones you love!


  1. Dear Paula

    Thanks a ton for stopping by my blog and leaving such wonderful comments for me.
    Many many congratulations on your 25th anniversary though you look so so young..compliments...and very pretty too :))
    Wish you many many more with loads of happiness in your lives..
    All the best


  2. This is a truly touching post Paula! The best part is you took the time to enjoy the good and you were strong enough to go through the bad.
    Whishing you many anniversaries to come and tons of happiness to the entire extended family :D

  3. july 23, 1983--i was probably sleeping, as i was only three months old. :)

    lots of fantastic stuff was going on as you were taking the leap! it sounds to me like you're living a full life--good for you. :)

  4. Congratulations!
    I love memories, even if they aren't mine :) I've been married for a little less than ten years and we've had our share of upheavals, but stories like yours inspire me, and help me keep things in perspective.
    May you and your husband have many more years together.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! What a beautiful life you both have shared! Best wishes and here's to another happy and blessed 25 years!!


  6. Congrats Paula and hubby! Wow! 25 years!

  7. Happy Anniversary, I think I was graduating high school around that time! lived in sin for a year and then got married! You two are adorable and I bet still are!

  8. What a nice entry! Congratulations to both of you on a wonderful 25 years, and I wish you both another delightful 25!

  9. Quick story: At my grandparent's 45th anniversary, my grandpa stood up and proposed a toast to "43 wonderful years". My grandma smugly corrected him "It's 45 Johnny" to which my Grandpa replied "Anybody who's been married very long knows that not ALL of them are wonderful". :)

    Sure, funny, but also true. Glad you've made it this long and dealt with the good as well as the bad. Peace.

  10. Congratulations - 25 years is huge! I can't wait until I hit the 25 year mark (in 22 years!) so I can look back like you have done here. What a great 25 years it sounds like!

  11. Congratulations, Paula. And thank you for sharing your memories. I wish you many more happy years together.

  12. Hi Paula. What a beautiful post. The pictures are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful, intimate sad and happy details. Congratulations!

  13. Happy Anniversary!! Love the photo of you two sitting on the ground. Who thought that was a good idea? And you actually purchased that photo too.

  14. What a fantastic post! A big Happy Anniversary on such a special occasion. Best wishes for another 25 more and beyond.


  15. Congratulations... that is a long time!

  16. Thanks to all for your kind wishes!

  17. Thanks to all for your kind wishes!

  18. Awwww! Happy 25th anniversary! You guys are so cute-- like the prom king and queen (well, except in wedding garb). I was only 1 year old in 1983, haha :)
    I wish you more triumphs for the next 25 years and beyond!

  19. Happy anniversary and thank you for sharing one of the happiest times in your lives with us.

  20. What a touching post! Look how young and happy! I wish you 25 more!

  21. 25 years together is certainly a tough one these days. i've been married only 9 nine years, but i hope i can at least get up to your present number with my husband (we married late in life). three kids is also an envy - i managed two, but three for me was always the perfect family
    congratulations once again

  22. Congratulations!! You both look blissfully happy in your pictures and its great to know that love is still alive today :)

  23. Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading this post, hope you have many more years together.


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