Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'd like to thank the academy ....

Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm humbled to receive my very first award from Pam at For The Love of Cooking. Thank you Pam! Your blog is wonderful, and I check it daily! Hope you have a great reunion this week!

The award originated in Uruguay, and is given for creativity and design, see http://arteypico.blogspot.com/ for more information.

Here are the rules that accompany this award.

1. Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and their contribution to the blogging community.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name of and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize has to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. Show these rules.

Boy oh boy, it certainly is not easy to pick just five blogs! There are soooo many great ones out there that I'm inspired by! I have so many favorites and I really struggled to name just five, but here it goes in no particular order...

  • Marjie at Modern Day Ozzie and Harriet because I secretly think she's Wonder Woman. She bakes almost daily, sews like the wind, and thinks nothing of whipping up dinner for 11. Oh yeah, and she homeschools and helps run a family business. Her food posts are great because she presents entire family pleasin' meals, and her day-in-the-life entries are so enjoyable to read. She's thoughtful, funny, and great friend, too.
  • Pam at Sidewalk Shoes because she's a great teacher in more ways than one. A teacher in real life, she also does an amazing job teaching great recipes on her blog. I've used her recipes more than once, always with great results. I enjoy her writing style and the photos she posts make you want to reach through the screen for a bite. Plus, she's a fellow cat lover. :-)
  • Rachelle from Craft Rage because her blog writing makes me laugh uncontrollably. Seriously. This award is not limited to cooking blogs, and Rachelle's blog contains excerpts from her life. There are two entries, dated 5/14/08 and 6/24/08, that made me laugh so hard I thought I'd need oxygen.
  • Homesick Texan is a terrific blog with stunning food photography and great recipes. Check out her July 8th entry for Carnitas. It will make you homesick for Texas, too!
  • Karina from Gluten Free Goddess because she has taught me sooo much about the limitless recipes for those following Gluten Free diets. Her site is easy to navigate and the recipes are wonderful.


  1. Wow! I'm thrilled and flattered to be included in this list! Thank you so much, and also, thanks for the recipe for Santa Fe Stew!

  2. Thank you for including my blog in your five blog choices. And congrats! :)

  3. Me? Artsy? Creative? Here and I thought I was just a garden variety lunatic. Thanks, Paula; and how's your son's eye? Too bad we weren't close enough for my boys to have come to entertain him!

  4. A big congratulations on a very well deserved award! I love your site and visit each day. Enjoy your award!

  5. Paula - congrats on your award, and thank you so much for offering one to me! I'm hugely flattered!


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