Monday, December 22, 2008

I Like Turtles -- Turtle Candy That Is!

Are you guys familiar with the young boy who, on live TV, uttered those three words, “I like turtles”? Last year, the youngster in question had just gotten his face painted like a zombie for Halloween when a TV reporter asked him during a live news segment what he thought of his face painting (or something like that). The young boy, having never been interviewed by a TV crew before, stoically blurted his now cult like famous words ... “I like turtles.” It was priceless. Have you seen it? The news reporter kind of stumbled for a moment before regaining her composure and the segment came to an end. This took place here in Portland, and I remember watching it live when it happened. It is now a You Tube phenomenon. Just do a quick Google search with the words I like turtles and you, too, can join the millions who have given this boy his 15 seconds of fame!

Today’s recipe deserves its own cult following. Do you like turtle candies? These little gems are a trio of pecans, caramel, and chocolate. When I was growing up, my mom always made sure that my dad received a box of turtle candies for Christmas. It was a special thing, and to this day, I always remember how happy the whole family was when my dad unwrapped his candy box. I’m big for rituals like that. Little things that families do for each other year and year that brings a smile to everybody’s faces. We had lots of them. Just little things, but they meant a lot. What rituals do you have?

So, as I’ve been snow bound for a week and the Christmas holiday is well, right around the corner, I’m scratching my head wondering what I can give my dad for Christmas. He’s always been really hard to buy for. He’s the type that when asked what he’d like, he always says ... “A smile on my girls’ faces is all I want.” He means it, too. He’s not a materialistic guy at all, and would much rather receive a homemade card than a store bought one. Anyway, with that in mind and with the stores being closed anyway due to the weather, it was time to get creative. The turtle ritual came to mind, and so I thought ... why not make them?

A quick internet search provided about 3 million recipes to choose from, and they were pretty much all the same. This is super-d-duper easy and the results, well, let’s just say that I have to guard the ones I made because my family is trying to eat the gift!!! This is by far the easiest thing ever to make. All you need is:

Wrapped caramel candies (I used Kraft)
Chocolate chips (I used a mixture of semi sweet and milk chocolate)
Pecan halves
Parchment Paper

Preheat your oven to 300 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Unwrap the caramels.Arrange 3 pecan halves into a star shape cluster, and place a caramel on top of the center of each cluster. Put into the oven for about 5 minutes or until the caramel have softened and mostly cover the pecans.
The tips of the nuts should stick out. Remove from the oven, and use the back of a spoon to help spread the caramel if needed. Allow to cool completely.This is the underside of the candies. See how the caramel “glues” the nuts together? Melt chocolate chips in the microwave or over a double boiler.Spoon the melted chocolate over the cooled caramel. Don't worry about making them neat and tidy. The swirls and patterns of each individual candy are prettier than a uniform look. Allow the chocolate to fully set, store in the fridge, and fight off family members trying to steal the candies.Just look at these babies (ignore the nails that still desperately need a manicure)! Oh, and these turtle goodies are gluten free all the way, baby!
In addition to making a great gift, they also would be a welcome addition to a holiday buffet, and, of course, Santa would love these in lieu of cookies.

Speaking of Santa, he’ll need chains on his sleigh to deal with the ice in my yard. We have just about a foot of snow that is covered with a thick layer of ice.Here is a picture of my snowmen holding up the top layer of ice from our yard. Yep, they are outside at night. Snow is a big deal here and this is the most snow we have EVER had. It’s so bright outside at night that the kids wanted to go play by the snow glow! Did you ever do that when you were a kid? Oh, and happy winter solstice everyone!


  1. I like turtles.

    LMAO ! I hadn't heard of this little guy before so I checked youtube and found the follow up interview.

    Anyway, I like turtles... And I've got all the ingredients to make these, so thanks for posting the recipe!!!

  2. this is so cute! - i am tempted to get the kids to make them!

  3. I was gonna ask what makes a turtle dessert turtle-like, then I saw the pics! Too cute!
    Your dad is such... A dad. Soo sweet to match the delightful non-endangering reptile treats he's eating!

  4. Ooohhhh I love turtles. I remember the original commercial well because the singer in top hat and tails was from my area.She went on to do the local news. Thanks for the recipe!!!!!

  5. These are so expensive in a candy shop and look like they are easy to make. And so yummy. Since I'm snowbound too I'll just have to make up a batch.

    Can you believe this weather! Enough is enough already.

  6. Hasn't the weather been awesome,I am in love!!!
    I love turtles and would make some except I have no caramels!

  7. These were my dad's favorite candies, thanks for sharing the recipe .. :)

  8. I love turtles too! I'll have to check out that video as i must be living under a rock! I like your turtles too, very nice! Enjoy the ice...we got out of PDX before it was too late....without chains even.

  9. I love turtles. I think I'm the only one in the house who does.

    So glad your kids have snow to play in. The boys and Thor have been outside a lot lately, but today it's too stinkin' cold - 9 degrees!!!! So they're inside moping. I told them they can dust if they want; the moping has moved to a different room.

    Family's coming to visit! How wonderful that is!

  10. i haven't seen that clip, but i do like turtles. there's no contest, though--i prefer the candy to the critter hands-down. :)

  11. Great step by step instructions, Paula! Turtles were always my dad's favorite Christmas candy. We bought him a big box almost every year when I was growing up but I haven't made them myself in a very long time. Thanks for reminding me.

  12. Terrific Turtle Tutourial! I love turtles but you realize I have that darn song running through my head now;)

  13. Oooooh, I love Turtles! Turtles are a memory for me of Christmases past...always have'em and now I can make them on my own...thx!

  14. I love turtles. I would have never even considered making them, but I think even I could make them!

  15. I love turtles and I didn't know they were so easy to make. I am totally going to make these this week. Thanks Paula!!

  16. hi paula, i've left you an email message

  17. I love turtles, at least the caramel kind. These look like something easy and fun to make (and of course tasty).

  18. I'm sorry that you are confined to barracks, but it sounds like you're having fun, regardless. I have never heard of these candies, but I think I like
    turtles, too. :-)

  19. Those turtles are awesome, and so easy to make. Thanks Paula. Looks like your holiday was great!

  20. Your homemade turtles look great! Happy holidays!


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