I’m sooo not a procrastinator. I’d much rather get stuff done ahead of time, than rush around at the last minute. That said, though, I’m pretty good under pressure and try not to wig out when fate messes up my plans. In a household with three active children and a husband who works ridiculous hours, it’s imperative that I go with the flow and allow lots of wiggle room for the unexpected. The best way for me to do that is to have a handle on the expected stuff. My method of madness keeps me sane, well as sane as I can be!
My point is that I like to stay on top of things so I can be flexible. Despite what my hubbyman may tell you, I’m not a total type A personality. (Insert hubbyman making a “yeah, right” face here.) While I admit that I do, ahem, possess some of those tendencies, it’s also fair to say that I can go with the flow, too. You know, be flexible. In the movie The Incredibles, don’t you just love how the mom’s super power is that she’s “flexible”! That’s me. F L E X I B L E. Go ahead, look it up. It will say, “see Paula”!
Flexible Breakfast Frittata Muffins
6 large eggs
1 generous cup shredded cheddar cheese (or your favorite)
¼ cup crumbled bacon, ham, or sausage
¼ to ½ cup cooked veggies chopped fine such as broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, spinach, etc. (I used chopped leftover broccoli)
Sprinkle of onions of some sort – either green onions, chives, sauteed diced, or dried. (I used dried this time.)
Season Salt or Salt and Pepper
Muffin tins, 6 size
Quart sized measuring cup
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease your muffin tin, even if it is the non stick type. Crack the eggs into the large measuring cup, add a couple shakes of seasoned salt, and whip well with a fork. Place about a teaspoon of cooked veggies in the bottom of each muffin section of the tin. Sprinkle with your choice of onion (I used dried this time). Top with equal portions of meat (I used crumbled bacon) and then with equal portions of cheese. Pour the egg into each cup, filling about ¾ full. Take the fork and kind of push the cheese down a bit so that it gets egg on it. Put into the oven, and bake for about 25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and let sit for 5 minutes, then remove from the tins.
These sound so different, but they look amazing! I will be trying these muffins soon! I try to be flexible these days, but when my kids were younger, we home schooled,(16 yrs!)and my husband worked evenings and I had to have things planned out or I went crazy!
Do your kids like these? I suppose that's a stupid question, you wouldn't make them otherwise, but I'm wondering if this would be a good kid-friendly thing to make for my nieces for a breakfast.
these are really healthy
my kids definitely woiuld eatthem, but i know i have to hide the vegetables by grating them and making sure that they are invisible, but that's the first step in teaching kids how to eat everything!
I need to make these and keep them on hand during the week. I get so hungry around 8:30 at work. These look beautiful and with the veggies, so much more healthy. I love how much they puff up!
I would so eat these cold too! YUM. I love easy on-the-go savory muffins like this.
This is a great idea Paula. I'm terrible about eating breakfast so this would be an easy way to start the day off right.
I am very organized and am definitely a planner. These breakfast muffins look and sound perfect Paula. Wish we were neighbors.
Ohh girl what a great idea, they are beautiful and I want one right now please! p.s. I am a recovering type A, trying to be more laid back but its hard!
I am loving your savory muffins. What a great breakfast!
this is a great idea for breakfast... thanks for sharing... :)
Oh, they're like individual frittatas, I love them! Also great that you're able to sneak in a serving of veggies (and of course, meat. Heh).
I am totally a procrastinator, and totally flexible too! :)
incredible and flexible, eh? like me! :)
seriously though, these sound (and look) divine. i enjoy a little something different for breakfast every now and then.
Cute little portable omelets - what's not to love?
I plan everything, but am well aware that life has other things in mind for me, or, as Steinbeck famously quoted, "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray."
I love these savory muffins! I am a little bit of a planner in terms of my meals since I cook so often, but let a lot of things go until the last minute as well.
I'm a big time planner. And I plan on making these muffins!
I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but I'm sure I could eat several of these. BTW, I'm the world's biggest procratinator, and always put off til tomorrow, what I could do today. :-)
And, Paula, thanks for your concern about my liquid diet, but I am now onto soft foods. Yay! I never thought I'd be so glad to see a dish of mashed potato.
Breakfast muffins - what a great idea!
These look beautiful! Can food look beautiful, that is? The golden top is very welcoming for sure. I am one of those that doesn't plan too much as it never seems to go as planned, so I let life go, and I along with it. Works well when you have kids too, have you noticed? ha ha. Now that is where the plans go out the window!! Hope you are doing well, Paula.
These would be perfect for Ben in the mornings when he's rushing out the door. Printing!
Hi Everyone ... you know, after I posted these, I thought perhaps I should have named them Frittata Muffins. Hmmm ... maybe I'll amend the title.
Lynda: Yeah, a fellow homeschooler!
Lulu: My kids won't touch them. These are little bits of heaven for me!
Med Kiwi: Grating the veggies is a great idea!
Katherine: They reheat beautifully and are so good.
Dawn: That's a perfect way to describe them. I've not tried them cold ... they're great at room temp.
Cathy: I love breakfast, but don't like gigantic sized portions. These are perfect.
Pam: With your food there, we'd have the best neighborhood potlucks!
Cheryl: Love it ... recovering type A! Ha!
Maria: They really are good.
Mikky: Your welcome!
Mark: You are soooo right; they are mini frittatas!
Grace: Incredible, flexible, and divine ... yeah!
Marjie: I bet you are the most organized person on the planet ... probably the most flexible, too!
Esi: I love them, too!
Pam: Let me know if you make them!
Jan: Glad you have moved onto soft foods. One can only have so much jello!
Jan: They are great!
Bridgett: I'm still a work in progress ... these kids keep me on my toes!
Duckie: They are perfect for on the go!
Do I plan every little detail of your day/week ahead of time? Yes. DO I follow that plan and get things done? No. I love egg/cheese muffins for breakfast. So easy to do Sunday night and then take to work during the week.
These would make a great breakfast!
Perfect!! These look great!!!
Hi. These really do look wonderful. How many muffins does this recipe make?
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