Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shake, Rattle, and Roll -- Vanilla Milkshakes!

My youngest rattle and roller girl has been home sick with a whopper of a sinus infection since last Friday. Along with oodles and oodles of homework, school age children bring home all sorts of lovely ailments and injuries, and my 9 year old is no exception. After shelling out yet another co-pay at the pediatricians office, I told my daughter’s teacher that I was going to start sending my girls to school in “haz-mat” suits for the remainder of the year. Hmmm ... my homeschooled son doesn’t have this dilemma. Hmmm ...

ANYWAY ... when my kids are sick, they get spoiled. Whatever they want, (well, within reason) I’ll make for them. My sickie poo wanted a milkshake, so a milkshake is what she got. And her brother got. And her sister. And her dad. You see where I’m going with this.

Do you like milkshakes? I’m not a big ice cream eater (I can hear your gasp), but I concede that milkshakes are a good thing. Now many of you are ice cream makers; are you milkshake drinkers, too? Today’s recipe is a classic, pure, lovely Vanilla Milkshake. Puristically plain, but far from boring, it’s hails top honors from just about everybody who has uttered the phrase, “got milk”. Of course, there are enough varieties of milkshakes to keep dairy cows busy forever and eternity. Let’s see, there’s Strawberry, Chocolate, Eggnog, Blueberry, Peanut Butter, and Orange Crème to name a few. Let’s check out this recipe together, and see if you’d like to shake, rattle, and roll with me.Here’s what you’ll need
Vanilla Milkshakes

8 heaping scoops good quality Vanilla ice cream(I used Dreyers Vanilla Bean)
1 cup milk – don’t use non-fat
½ cup cream (I just poured mine in the measuring cup along with the milk)
2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla ExtractTo make this you will need one of these. It’s what I used today.Or you could use one of these. I love my immersion blender, and it makes great shakes.We won’t be needing this today. Look away, just look away from it.

Add all of your ingredients into the blender jar. Cover and blend until the ice cream and milk have a combined, smooth consistency. Don’t expect it to look like the cheek sucking thickness of what you’d find at Dairy Queen. Rather, it’s loose, but not runny.See it here on the spoon? That’s what you’re after. Mmmm ... come to mama! This will go up the straw without causing you to lose consciousness. In fact, when I first put the straw in the glass, it stood up and then ever so sloooowly leaned over.Ta-Da! Ooooh Yeahhhh! Mmm, mmm, mmm! This definitely will make your taste buds shake, rattle, and roll in a gooood way. Just in time for Valentine's Day, too. Oh, and this obviously is gluten free all the way, baby! What’s your favorite shake?


  1. Oh My ! This looks soooo good and I might even give it a go.
    But if my tummy acts up again, it'll be on your head! ;-)

    I used to LOVE the peanut butter and jelly milkshakes we would get at Frostie Freeze and I cried the day they closed the place down.

  2. this is so funny - i'm trying to write a story all about milkshake - you've provided me with some wonderful ideas!

  3. That milkshake looks sooo good! I really hope your little girl is much better now.

  4. I'd like two please. I'll just wait here.

  5. A good milkshake can cure a lot of ailments. Our favorite here is a chocolate malt.

    Hope your little one is feeling better.

  6. I've actually never made milkshakes (ice cream never sticks around long enough for me to turn it into one ;) but I love love love them! Especially with salty, salty french fries. Perfect snack! ... Limited to maybe once every 2 months for obvious reasons :)

  7. Wow that is making my mouth water. I had no idea you could make one without one of those special milk shake makers, wish you hadn't told me :)

  8. Vanilla is my very favorite shake flavor. Yours looks so pretty and tasty!

  9. I actually prefer milkshakes to ice cream, although I'll only drink vanilla or banana milkshakes. And I only eat vanilla ice cream, sparingly. Is that weird?

    How's the baby feeling? Maybe she needs to join Mark in Calvert 4th grade, where germs never seem to migrate...

  10. Oooh. My mean mom would NEVER let me have milkshakes when I was sick :)

    This looks great. I love a nice vanilla make mine a malt :)

  11. I'm feeling a little under the weather today, will you come over and make a vat of these shakes for me? I knew you would ;-)

    I the ribbon on the stem. I know your children fee so special.

  12. Well, I normally like chocolate the best, but your vanilla looks so good!It should help your ill one feel much better!

  13. I haven't made a shake in a long time! thanks for the reminder. Such a great treat!

  14. There's nothing like a good old fashioned milk shake! Love that top photo!

  15. Hey I catch everything from the students too, will you make me a milkshake. Or better yet, just send me that adorable red blender, please.

  16. Hope your daughter gets better soon!

    Not a huge fan of icecream either, but um, I'll take your milkshake!

  17. boo for sinus infections, but a big ol' hip hip hooray for vanilla milkshakes!!

  18. I'm not a big milkshake person but this looks great. Your kids are lucky to have such a wonderful mother!

  19. I want to be sick in your home Paula...that comment made me laugh because it infers that I would want to be sick in your home and not to the fact that I want to be sick so that you can make me anything I want:D

  20. Yum! I could really go for a milkshake right about now.

  21. I'm not a huge fan of ice cream either, but I could sure eat one of these right now. Come to think of it, other than soup there's not much else I can eat.

    Looks delish anyway, Paula, perfect for all us walking
    wounded. :-)

  22. Oh, Yes, milkshakes are one of my FAVORITE things. Delish, simple, perfect for the kids. Thank you!

  23. You don't like ice cream? Is that even possible? I wish I didn't, but I do, and I'm drooling over your milkshakes. It's sweltering here, and it'd be purely therapeutic.


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