Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Garden Tuesdays At It's All Gouda

Howdy Folks! I’m jumping on the Garden Tuesday bandwagon. Marjie gave me the idea, and she got it from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes. Since Marjie is located in the Eastern part of the US, and Pam represents the South, I’ll pitch in with Pacific Northwest garden offerings.

Okie dokie, let's take a peek at my yard. Spring is underway in the Pacific Northwest, but today is a typical rainy Tuesday. Although it's soggy today, Mama Nature has been teasing us with some gorgeous sunshine, and in turn the plants are starting to awaken from their slumber.The Rhodedendrons and Azaleas are still sealed up tight, but there is color abounding in the yard.The tulips are just starting to open. Those that have survived getting tramped by basketball heaving, soccer ball kicking, scooter riding heathens, that is.These Old Gold variety shrubs in the front yard are one of my favorites. Every spring, the new growth sports a brilliant bright yellow color that contrasts so lovely against the green. This type of shrub also throws all year long that wonderful evergreen scent associated with Christmas.Moss and Lichen abound out here as you can see on this vine maple in my front yard. I always think of little leprechauns or fairies when I see all the feathery moss and lichen painting my trees.They love the rainy climate. Uh, the moss and lichen that is. I don't know about the leprechauns and fairies. Ahem.In just a few weeks, though, this will be gone due to kids climbing trees and other monkey type behavior.

In the backyard, the little garden is continuing to impress me. I’ve got carrots that are ready for harvest that I planted a couple months ago as an experiment. I follow the Throwback at Trapper Creek homesteading blog maintained by the amazing and wonderful Nita. She’s a master at gardening, and does so year round out here in the PacWest. I got the inspiration from her to try out some “nontraditional” planting times, and had great luck with carrots. Ah, I wish I could just channel her knowledge into my brain. Lord knows, there’s plenty of room rattling around up there.The sage seems to like the wet, and is sprouting may lovely yellow and green hued leaves just begging to find their way into my cooking pot.This little chive sprout took me by surprise today. I think I’ll let it run its course.

So, that’s the latest in my yard. How does your garden grow?


  1. Yeah! You're telling us about your garden, too! The boys are faithfully watering the garden, and we're supposed to be getting some rain throughout the rest of the week. I was just out looking at my flowering trees, and they are something beautiful to behold. Your chives give me hope for mine. What did you do with the carrots? Plant them outside or in a container? And inquiring minds want to know about your strawberries (or their husband, the strawberry fiend, does!)! yeah! I'm your first comment, for once!

  2. Great pictures Paula. This is such a wonderful idea too!

  3. Just beautiful and what great photos!! My garden? It's dirt. All dirt all the time. Ripping EVERYTHING out but trees and redoing it all in walkways, planted patches, and drought tolerant plants but wanting COLOR!!! Any tips?!

  4. It's at time like these that I miss my gardens living here in the condo.

  5. ah, greenery--i love it. i see a lot of potential in these garden tuesdays. :)
    and how does my garden grow? only in my dreams. :)

  6. Love the garden pics Paula .. I think I saw a fairy hiding in one :)

  7. i love your garden - the wet blooming tulip looks so refreshing!

  8. I love spring in Oregon. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers - great photos.

  9. I love the moss and lichen too...it just looks so cool. What's great about the PNW is everthing stays green and doesn't get all crispy-fried from the sun.

  10. Yay! Garden Tuesday pics! I warn you though, do not, I repeat, do not let that chive flower go to seed. You will regret it.

  11. WOW, nice pictures...lovely garden.

  12. I can't wait to see your beautiful Rhodies Paula, they are so stunning in the Pacific Northwest!

  13. What a beautiful garden! Sooo jealous that we can't grow any of those here-- would burn in an instant! Even the moss and lichen look absolutely precious :)

  14. I love the garden photos, mine is slowly coming in too!


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