Monday, April 6, 2009

Smile & Say Cheese ... Cheese Omelet that is!

Are there certain foods that always make you smile? For me, it’s eggs. I love those beautiful orbs, and am happy to scoop them with my fork for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Can you think of a more versatile food? They can be boiled, poached, scrambled, fried, baked, and, as in this case, stuffed. Plus, did you know that many *fancy* restaurants, when hiring a new chef, require the finalists to prepare either simply scrambled eggs or a simple omelet to prove their prowess at the stove top?Omelets, or do you say omelettes, are a meal unto themselves. There are so many varieties ... classic Denver, spicy southwest, bountiful veggie, ham and cheese, brie and onion, seafood medley ... the list is endless! This morning, in the It’s All Gouda kitchen, the omelet of choice was a simply scrumptious cheese one topped off with a spoonful or two of fresh Pico de Gallo. This recipe is my idea of heaven on a plate. Two eggs per omelet and a side of fruit is all that’s needed to create a lovely breakfast feast or luncheon plate. Of course, this also would make for a great dinner or late evening meal. This rolled up bit of heaven will fill you up, but not put your pants buttons at risk. Join me now as we create Cheese Omelets.


1 scant Tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon butter
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon water
Seasoned salt (or salt and pepper)
*2 tablespoons freshly shredded cheese (I used Co-Jack)
*NOTE: Please shred your own. The prepackaged stuff doesn’t melt promptly and just can’t compare in taste. Plus, well, it’s my mantra ... shred your own!

Crack the eggs into a small mixing bowl, and whisk until uniformly colored. Add water and season salt, and whisk again.In a 10-12 inch non-stick sauce pan, melt the butter into the olive oil over med. high heat.When the butter starts to foam, add all of the eggs at once.The eggs will cook from the outer edges toward the middle.Shake and swirl the pan to get the uncooked eggs to flow to the edges (or turn heat down and cover with a lid for about a minute).Sprinkle the cheese along 1/3 of the egg. Now, using a spatula, prepare to fold the egg into thirds, just like a letter.Slip the spatula underneath the section sprinkled with cheese, and turn it toward the middle. Pick up the pan, and gentle shake the partially folded egg so that it slides toward the inside edge of the pan. Place the edge of the pan onto your serving plate, and with one smooth motion, fold the egg onto itself and onto the plate. DONE! It’s really quite easy and super fast.These are so moist and delicious, just check out that folded edge ... no splitting or cracking here. If you prefer, you can simply fold the egg in half and serve, but I just love the way it looks with the tri-fold.

Garnish any way you like. Today the sun was shining and it felt like summer, so I served mine with a brightly colored Pico de Gallo consisting of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and salt.Mmm, mmm, mmm ... just sink your teeth into this! I’m certain that I made yummy noises.

I just love these. I wasn't able to finish all of mine, but my hubby came to the rescue.Hello you gorgeous thing! Just look at those light, fluffy layers. Plus, like most things here at It's All Gouda, this is gluten-free, all the way, baby! What’s your favorite type of omelet? Pop on over, and I’ll whip one up for you!


  1. If you throw a nice raw goat's milk cheese into that lovely omelet and top it with tomatoes spinach and caramelized onion, I promise to come over and wash up the dishes.

  2. My husband is an omelet fiend! I will have to show him this post.

  3. Now that is my kind of breakfast - your omelet looks perfectly cooked Paula.

  4. That is a good looking omelet, I know how to scramble eggs, now I can cook an omelete! my hubby will be impressed, he is the breakfast man around here! I had no idea you fold it in 3rds!

  5. Very, very yummy! I love omelets...great pics too.

  6. this looks perfect, paula--i especially love the fork shot. i do so hate to put my pants buttons at risk. :)
    meanwhile, if i smiled and said cheese omelet, i'd more than likely get a picture of my mouth hanging wide open on the "o"...that's just how i roll. my eyes would probably be closed, too. :)

  7. i would love someone to cook this up for me - omelets always look delicious and filling
    we're more into simple breakfasts most mornings, but this would be great for a lazy weekend brunch!

  8. I love omelets! I think they are one of the easiest and best comfort foods out there.

  9. I totally forgot about omlets. When Ben and I were dating, he used to cook me an omlet every night at his apartment. Of course, we got married, and the omlets stopped. Le sigh.

  10. I love omelets, Paula, and this one looks so perfect! I love them any time of the day. My husband and I used to make them after church on Sunday evenings; maybe we should start that again!

  11. What can I say but, Yum! I love omelets or even omelettes. I'm with you on the cheese too, shred your own. The average cheese in the US is not very good, but the pre-shredded stuff is the pits.

  12. Oh this just gives me such a good idea for breakfast in the morning. I just got 2 dozen farm fresh organic eggs from my friend's farm and I just bought a bunch of tomatoes tonight. Must be meant to be! Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. Yummy yum yum! Those omelets look good!

  14. I love omelets too, I'm not good at flipping them and making them look pretty. I amd going t give this a try again. This looks so delicious...they are great for dinner too!

  15. Great omelet, Paula. I love eggs too. They are so versatile and tasty and combine well with so many other ingredients.

  16. You got me going, I'll be right over!

  17. I've never made an omelet or omelette (depending upon whether I wish to pretend I'm French). I just scramble my eggs and heave lots of stuff in. Cheese is mandatory; tomatoes are awesome; ham is good, as are spinach or broccoli. When you visit, you can make the omelet, and I'll make everything else. Deal?

  18. Perfectly made omelet, Paula. Looks easy but it's not...practice and still many don't get it. Gold star from me.

  19. Great looking omelet! My fave cheese for this is gouda!

  20. Ah, and I thought the filling was going to be all-Gouda?! ;) That oozy money shot is a winner! I'm so hungry I can taste this now! (been fasting today..)

  21. That ooey gooey cheesy omelette looks really good!

  22. Your omelet is gorgeous and I really like the step-by-step instructions. Eggs are one of my favorite meals. So simple and nutritious and so versatile. Yum!

  23. Paula I love Omelette and this look wonderful!! xGloria

  24. happy easter paula to you and your family

  25. Hi Paula, I'm glad to hear that the book arrived safely. I hope you enjoy it.

  26. Oh, how I love a good omelet... with plenty of CHEESE!

    Eggs are such a great source of protein too. They're one place where I splurge on the locally grown, organic (or free-range) too! Totally makes a huge difference in the flavor.

  27. This makes me wish I would have eaten breakfast this morning instead of just snacking on Easter candy!

  28. Love this! I really like eggs but I have trouble making omelets the perfect shape and texture.

    PS - Gouda is my FAVORITE cheese, especially smoked gouda. So it goes without saying that I love the name of your blog!


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!