Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Garden Tuesday! 06/02/09

Welcome to Garden Tuesday at It’s All Gouda! There’s been an explosion of growth in the garden this past week, in thanks to the unseasonably hot weather we’ve been having. We’ve had four days that were over 90 degrees and the remainder were in the upper 80’s. The garden has responded to mother nature’s sunny blessing with enthusiasm. As this is only my second year with this garden, send me all of your green thumb know-how so I can keep it healthy and flourishing!Let’s start with an update on the garbage can potatoes. I think it’s an understatement to say this experiment is a success! Holy moly, I’m going to be rolling in potatoes! Just look at how these puppies have grown. These photos are untouched and show less than 2 weeks worth of growth. These guys are about 6-1/2 inches tall. As a comparison, the ones planted in the garden bed have just broken through the earth. Why the tremendous growth? I suspect it’s because the dark colored can holds in a great deal of heat that’s perfect for growing spuds. I’m really, really pleased.How about some curly leaf parsley!This little tomato plant is looking good. Some of my other tomato plants are starting to look yellow. So are a couple of the pepper plants. I suspect they might need a nutrient boost. Any ideas?My oldest girl’s favorite veggie: cucumber.The first spinach plants. I like to use spinach in place of lettuce on sammies.Speaking of lettuce, here is my first ever lettuce plants.For variety, I thought I’d try some red leaf lettuce, too.Cilantro for summertime salsa.Come on little sweet pea, you can do it! Grow big and tall!Look at that red stem! Can you guess what this is? (Beets!)Uh, I think I need to massively trim back the oregano. See my littlest green gardener’s feet? This was taken last evening. She’s in her jammies sneaking a chive. The child just picks and eats stuff right out of the garden. Even though it’s a “green” garden, I still want her to at least rinse it off first!

Garden to do list for this week includes:
- Add more soil/bury the bottom half of the garbage can potato plants. This will be an ongoing process.
- Have hubby and son construct trellises for the beans and peas. I think I’d like to use string for it, but some folks like netting. Any suggestions?
- Figure out how to help the tomatoes and peppers. Any suggestions?
- Investigate different types of tomato cages. My cages from last year need to be replaced. They were old to start with, and are now falling apart. Any suggestions?
- The first of the strawberries will be ready to harvest this week! Yeah!

Happy Gardening!


  1. I should have preplanted inside. Many of my plants are not that good, although my Simpson Black Seeded Lettuce is marvelous. I planted my second set of seeds about 2 weeks ago, and if we ever get sun again, I hope to see your kind of green! Maybe next year we'll tackle strawberries. And I suggest some miracle gro for your plants. I know it's not organic, but it truly is a miracle, and when you need help, you just need help. Did you get coffee grounds to put around your garden and protect your lettuce from those horrible slugs? They also suggest beer, but I'm not a big fan of that idea. At least coffee grounds enrich the soil.

  2. Wow you are in serious garden mode. That is wonderful how things are growing!

  3. OH MY gosh I havent even started yet, I am just not inspired this year. I will garden vicariously thru you

  4. I LOVE YOUR GARDEN!! I have some plants too, the summer is the best times and the spring, now in the autumn is as mother Nature was sleepy, je!! bu the pics are abslutely nice and beauty, enjoy your garden!!!! Gloria

  5. Kudos! Love your garden updates, you have inspired me to try potatoes next year (or will it be beans?) LOL

  6. You make me want a green thumb - I am so jealous of all your bounty!

  7. Your garden is lovely, Paula; everything looks so healthy.Your oregano is huge!

  8. You should have made us guess!! Then again, I've never seen a beet plant so I don't think I would've gotten it. I am rooting for your sweet pea! Come on, little one!

  9. All looking good! I'm also growing a load of stuff at the moment including bell peppers.
    On the back of my bottle of tomato feed it says it's also ideal for peppers! So I've given it a go and they are coming on really well.

  10. Wow, Paula, your garden looks great. I forwarded your garbage can potato idea to my daughter. She loved it.

  11. I just get goosebumps thinking of all the critters I could write stories about in your garden.

  12. Wow Paula, I'm so impressed with your garden, you really know what you're doing girl!!

  13. Boy it IS all gouda at your house. YUM!!!!!

  14. Oh!!! Look at all this beautiful green!! I love it all, everything looks like it is growing wonderfully! Gorgeous photos Paula!

  15. Paula, your garden is gorgeous to say the least! Isn't it fun to go out there every day to see the progression? I am getting loads of tomatoes budding up and my zucchini are bright with their yellow blossoms. I love it! This is my first year but I can see you are quite the professional gardener! Very impressive. I look forward to seeing your garden grow.
    How is the family? Hope you all are well.

  16. I had to laugh when I saw your trash can potatoes, my brother is doing the same thing.


    I am so anxious to see how this experiment turns out.

  17. Paula, what a green thumb you have!!

    We don't use any nonorganic plant food, we supplement our garden with a fresh load of compost every spring and then I spot feed needy plants with a fish emulsion based food.

    I have to be pretty ruthless with my oregano, otherwise it would take over my herb bed. I cut it back hard several times in the growing season, nothing phases it.

    Do you keep your trash can potatoes in the sun or are they in the shade?


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!