Saturday, July 11, 2009

Eggstra , Eggstra – Scrambled Egg Egg-Salad (Yep, It’s Gluten Free, too)

Do you ever have left over scrambled eggs? Ah, what a sad state of affairs. A lonely little portion left all alone in the frying pan just wondering what’s its fate will be.Oh, such circumstances make me shudder. I mean, come on, who wouldn’t eat all of their portion? We’re taking EGGS! Especially these gorgeous ones with their dark yolks. Mmmmm!

Well, such blasphamy occasionally occurs in my household as my children don’t always eat all of their breakfast. Let me clarify, they most definitely DO eat breakfast. Just sometimes not all of it.

I found myself with a portion of left over scrambled eggs yesterday, but didn’t want to toss them. No, no, no! So guess what I did instead? Guess! Huh, huh, huh? Come on, guess! I made scrambed egg egg-salad! Ha! (Hey, its acronym is a palindrome! S.E.E.S!!! Yeah, I'm a few yolks off when it comes to "word" issues!)

I’ve done this before, and the results are just wonderful. In fact, when you are crunched for time, and the clock shouts at you that you don’t have enough minutes to allow for the hardboiling/cooling/shelling ritual, this method works beautifully.

Here’s what I did. It’s so simple, I wonder why I even bother with the boiling method. Anywhooo ... take your left over scrambled eggs (or scramble them on purpose just for this) and break them apart with a fork into bits.If not already cool, they will be quickly. Now, transfer them to a mixing bowl and proceed as you would for regular egg salad.I added just mayo as my scrambled eggs were already seasoned. Go ahead and add whatever your little tastebuds cry out for.Then, assemble your sandwich or stuff your tomato or scoop it on a plate and serve. I opted to use it as a sandwich filling along with some wee red tomatoes and my gorgeous garden lettuce. (NOTE: This is a wheat free bread we are trying for my gluten free daughter. So far, so good. It does have “sprouted wheat”, but doesn’t contain traditional flour. I really like it. What’s more, it allows her to enjoy a sandwich every now and then.)The scrambled egg egg-salad was terrific. The texture was very similar to traditional egg salad, yet it took just minutes to make. I made yummy noises as I took the first bite. Then again when I took a second bite. Then again. You see where I’m going with this, don’t you?

So do you think you would like to give this a try? What do you do with your left over eggs?


  1. What a great idea! I love the taste of egg salad but the texture grosses me out, I bet this would be wonderful!

  2. What are leftover eggs? What is leftover anything? Please, refresh my memory. Sometimes I have sliced meat, sufficient for sandwiches; is that similar?

    This is a great idea. I like any kind of protein sandwich with fresh crunchy veggies. Sold to the cranky redhead on the other coast!

  3. That sounds so good. I am going to make eggs tomorrow!

  4. You sold this to me at first glance. I'll be scrambling eggs especially to make this.

    So pleased you've found a bread gf daughter can eat. It looks delicious. Do have an extra mouthful for me (Mickle innards wouldn't handle the fibre).

    huggles from the other side of the Pacific,


  5. I love egg salad! I love sprouted wheat bread too! I just need onions now to go with it:)

  6. You're a genius! I love egg salad but often don't want to bother with boiling the eggs. This is so much quicker.

  7. Great idea! I can't believe I've never thought of doing this before. Looks tasty.

  8. i usually just go ahead and eat any eggs left over, but now i won't force myself to do so--this is a wonderful idea. bravo!

  9. Wow, Paula, what a great solution to the boiling, cooling, shelling, mashing method. Sounds yum!. I never have leftover eggs, but I might start making egg salad this way from now on. So much simpler.

  10. i just love your sandwiches - and i didnt realise how difficut it was for your daughter to have a sandwich every now and then

  11. I've never had egg salad. This looks great!

  12. I have tried so many of the gluten-free breads and have given up. But that one looks delicious. What is the brand?


  13. Brilliant idea, Paula. This sure saves time making the usual egg salad.


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