Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Garden Tuesday – The Babies are Here!

Cucumber tendril

Well, after a few days of glorious sunshine and slathering the children in sunscreen, we are back to overcast skies and cool temperatures. *sigh* I was hoping to say goodbye to my Casper look. Come back, sun, I need you! So does the garden!

The wee garden really flourished with both the heat and sun last week, and, as a result, we’ve got lots of baby veggies making their first appearances.

Baby Cherry Tomatoes. This is the first time I’ve grown the cherry variety, and I’m hoping to get a bumper crop.

Green Pepper buds. My little green pepper plants are just that. Little. I don’t quite know what’s going on here. I talk to them. I encourage them. I water them. They look healthy, but just are not growing. They are easily the smallest plants in the garden. Still, it looks like there will be a couple peppers ... although they will probably be the size of marbles.

I’ve got two cucumber mounds. This one is sporting several baby cuke’s. My oldest gal will be thrilled. She would survive on cucumbers alone if I’d let her.
I just love how the cucumbers send out these tendrils. Isn’t it cool how they curl around the trellis? Don't they kind of remind you of telephone cords? Does anyone remember what telephone cords look like? Hmm, I wonder if my kids know what a telephone cord is!

Speaking of curling, check out how Mother Nature drives these beanies to climb up this trellis!

Lots little baby beans bouncing around in the garden, too.

Any babies showing up in your gardens?


  1. We had sunshine this weekend, although the temperature never went above 72. I can't even take pictures outside, because of the rain. I hope my baby plants are behaving like yours!

  2. Ahh cute baby beans! The weather is kind of crummy isn't it, hopefully by the weekend it will improve!

  3. It's looking good Paula. Love those little tomatoes that look like green marbles. But they'll be ripe before we know it.

    You've gotta come to the market, darn it.

  4. Nice garden! I have tomatoes and jalapenos coming up.

  5. Oh that looks so great!

    My little garden is struggling- we've had a drought and no matter how much I water them, it never seems to be enough. We're expecting rain, and I'm really hoping I get something!

    I used the coffee trick and I'm hoping that helps, too. :o)

  6. Everything is so lush and vibrant-- whatever the weather might be, it looks like it's working for you! Meanwhile, something is eating my only ward now, a lime bush. Sigh. Time to transfer it to the province...

  7. Today as we are facing global worming now a days and one of the main reason of global worming is due to the reduction or cutting down of green forests. so we all can play a role in saving the environment for the future and for our children this is the right time to start developing small gardens in our houses back yard as its has become necessity act before its to late.

  8. my babies have already grown up (see my latest post)!

  9. Up here in Seattle we're about to enjoy the first zucchini! I am so excited!

    You're ahead of us with the green beans and cucumbers. Beans just starting to flower, cucumbers are giving me fits!

  10. Embrace that Casper Look, dear friend. I had a weekend wrangle with the sun... and am now battling a subsequent allergic reaction on my chest. I'm going to be wearing turtlenecks for a while if this keeps up! :(

    That said -- you have some adorable things going on in that garden of yours. Seems I have a habit, now, of reading your blog on Tuesdays... so I'm keeping up with your garden, if nothing else.

    Peef reported that we have some cherry tomatoes out in our raised bed... I should check on those!

  11. Your garden is looking so good!

    The waldorf salad down below looks amazing.

  12. Your garden looks great!

    We are having the opposite problem, temps in the 90s and no rain in sight!


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