Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tarzan Hot!

Hi Everyone!

We've returned back to the Pacific Northwest from our vacation to be greeted by scalding hot, Tarzan worthy temperatures. It was 108 on Monday. That's 1-0-8. It was 108 yesterday. Again, let me clarify, 1-0-8. Today, it is supposed to be even hotter. Did I ever mention that we don't have central air conditioning? Oh, we have a little window unit that's been chugging it's little heart out, but there are repeated power outages due to the heat. Mother Nature doesn't cool off at night either. It was 98 degrees at 10:30 pm on Monday, and 88 degrees at 11:30 last night. To follow the temperature along with me, check out the Weather widget on the right side bar of my blog. It's half-way down the page, right above the clock widget. I love the word widget. Say it with me. Isn't it a fun word? (ahem)

Anywhoooo ... depending on where you are at (if you are in North America, that is), you are either soggy with rain or sweltering in the heat. Either way, I bid you personal comfort.

I'll not be posting this week, as it's just a) too hot, and b) we are keeping all electronics turned off to save both on energy and heat. I look forward to getting caught up on everyone's blogs next week when weather sanity will hopefully return.

Miss you all! Remember me!


AMENDED 6:25 pm: It's 116 degrees right now and my air conditioner died. Sweat city here we come!


  1. I've missed you too, Paula! I noticed your heat wave in the weather column in my paper, and wish you relief soon. We had 85 for 2 days and it's back down to 70 here. Of course, we're being rained on all week. See you next week, when your heat wave breaks!


  2. I have missed you young lady! It is going to hit 107 here today, thank god for central air, or I would be dead by now. I cannot take the heat at all. Keep cool!

  3. Hope you had a great time!! I missed you too

  4. Hey! It says 86F! Maybe because it's night :) For once, we beat the Pacific NW in coolness! :P
    Sorry to hear about your airconditioning... Our defense mechanism here is to barely move :D

  5. I just converted 116F into celcius - ouchingly hot! Are you able to fry eggs on the sidewalk?

    Who gets to sleep in the freezer tonight? - I assume you're taking turns!!!

    Sending coolness thoughts and chilled wishes,

    Michelle and ol' snorey boy Zeb, xxx but too hot there for huggles

  6. yuk - i hate it when it is too hot mysefl - you cannot cook decently in such conditions

  7. I'm not a hot weather kind of girl and can't wait for this heat wave to pass. Don't blame you for not cooking. I haven't turned my stove on since last Friday.

  8. Stay cool my, so hot!

  9. Your heatwave is making national headlines! UGH!

    And I am sure it is headed this way. Boy do I dread it.

    I've missed your blogging, but glad to know you back. Hope you had a good time!


  10. You poor thing! We've been having 105 heat for months, but I know it's killing ya'll!

  11. When we lived in St. Louis without air conditioning, we would take cold showers, powder ourselves down, and walk with arms outsretched to the bed, so as not to break into an instant sweat with body contact.

    You poor thing!

  12. Oh man - I can't believe your AC died. It's been so hot here in Portland too - we hit 107 on Wednesday. UGH! Stay cool.

  13. ReMEMber you?! That would be presuming we could ever forGET you! Not possible. So sorry things have been so miserable. I'm in Central CA and have a cousin in Portland. He has had hotter weather than we've had. We can't afford the AC so use a swamp cooler all the time Works great for dry heat but don't know about where you live. Maybe too much humidity?

    I look forward to your return. :)

  14. Is it as hot as Hades or what?? I never thought I'd be praying for cooler weather. Hang in's supposed to rain next week.

  15. Wow for once, we are cooler here in California than you guys....amazing! Stay cool...

  16. It has been hot but today it feels like the Pacific Northwest again. I think living in Texas changed my body chemistry. I love the heat! But then I am thankful for my air conditioner when the temperature soars. Stay cool!

  17. Wow, I hope your AC is up and running!


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