Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Keep It Organized - Egg Muffin Sandwiches

Care to gander a guess what I did the other day? Huh, huh? Anyone, anyone? All in the name of organization, I decided to sort out my backlog email messages, both the read and unread varieties. Of course, I was multitasking at the time (that’s your first foreshadowing clue) in the hopes of barreling through my to-do list. In my divided-attention haste, I ended up deleting the entire que of messages. Every. Message. The read ones. The un-read ones. From family. From school. With pictures. With due dates. UGH! The sad thing is that the computer even asked me to verify that I did, in fact, want to do such an idiotic procedure, and I blindly clicked yes. As soon my finger released off the key, I realized what I had done. Guess I get the village idiot award.To make matters worse, when I turned on the “main” computer that houses my actual email account, it wouldn’t work. My son ever so casually mentioned that he saw light wafts of smoke coming out of it. G.R.R.R.E.A.T. Do I live in a cartoon, now? Is Wiley Coyote going to pop up with his Acme kit?

On the bright side, I’m able to access my incoming messages, so I’ve not gone completely mad. I can even send messages, but I don’t have the addresses because my address book is in the computer doing its toaster imitation. Can you feel my pain? Hubbyman, being the computer genius that he is, said that he might be able to salvage the hard drive and retrieve my info, but won’t be able to get to it until this weekend. My cup of joy overfloweth.

Whenever I get hammered like this, it’s usually because I’m not following my own advice of how to tackle a to-do list. The law of attraction definitely plays prominent in my life. Anyway, if I slow down just a bit and use the organizational skills lurking in the deep recesses of my brain cells, all tends to go well. Time to think positive. Forge ahead. Look for the good. Yeah, I'm sappy that way.

Take, for example, planning breakfasts. My morning routine is greatly smoothed out by just a little forethought. I like to give my girls a hot breakfast before shipping them off to school. Being that I also prepare hot lunches for them to take as well, the stove and microwave are at full throttle at 6:30 am. Now, now ... don’t judge me. I’m well aware that my kids are capable of pulling together nourishment to feed their sleepy faces, but geez, I like cooking, like providing for them, my youngest has gluten issues, and I’m making breakfast anyway. Plus, the little most-of-the-time darlings always say, “thanks, mom” both before and after they eat. I know it sounds hokey, but my grandma and mom took such pride in feeding the family, that I feel like I’m honoring their memory by doing this, too. Plus, I prefer our mornings to be calm. Well, relatively calm anyway, and me at the kitchen wheel tends to be the path with least resistance.

Anyway, my oldest daughter discovered that she, too, likes eggs for breakfast. In the past, she's tended to be a sleepy eater. Therefore, I like to have her breakfast ready super quick. To help facilitate that, I tend to cook up a bunch of hash browns or sausage patties on Sunday, and then reheat them during the week. Eggs are made fresh. My gal usually prefers her food to not touch; however, lately she’s been trying nibbles of mingled food. An example of this is her beloved breakfast sandwich, my homemade version of a McMuffin.On Sunday, I fry up a pounds worth of sausage patties. I like to use ground Italian sausage, as it has such great flavor. Of course, regular breakfast style sausage is great too.Once they are cool, I place all of them in a Ziploc bag, and into the fridge they go. To reheat, simply remove a patty, sprinkle a little water on it (I just place it under the faucet for a millionth of a second), and then heat on high for 30 seconds. Done! Great sausage for breakfast in 30 seconds instead of 20 minutes.

To make my daughter’s favorite breakfast Sammie, start off by slicing some super thin slices of cheese (I also slice these up in batches, too). Over medium/low heat, fry up an egg (or scramble it) taking care to cook the yolk all the way through ... you don’t want to drip yoke on your school uniform. When the egg is almost done, split and toast an English muffin.

Assembly time!Place half of the toasted English muffin on a plate, cut side up.Top with yummy cheese, then savory sausage that you've reheated,Next comes the egg,and top with the other half of the muffin. Now here’s the tip for the day: squash the sandwich.Yep, just put your weight into it and press down. I put a papertowel on it first. Consider it your morning exercise routine. For you see, if you don’t squish it, the sandwich will, in fact, fall apart. However, once squished, all the ingredients adhere to themselves.How's this for keepin' it organized? This entire meal, with some prep work namely the sausage preparation, took under 5 minutes. Clean up is a snap! (envision me snapping my fingers.) Way better, cheaper, and more convenient than its drive through counterpart, these sandwiches are actually quite delish. You can use whatever cheese you like. I used co-jack here, but cheddar and munster have also graced our plates with much success. I like to put sliced tomato or roasted red peppers on mine, but there’s no way my girl will entertain that ... at least not yet.

Oh, and for you gluten free eaters, you can easily create this using those gluten free “cream biscuits” that Whole Foods sells (or make your biscuits using g/f mix). One word of caution, make sure that the sausage you buy is gluten free ... you’d be surprised at how many brands actually put wheat in their sausage. When in doubt, simply substitute a slice of baked ham, Canadian bacon, or bacon!

So ... how do you keep your weekday morning breakfast routine organized?


  1. good tip on the advance sausage cooking - I do that with pancakes and reheat them as needed but this is an even bigger time saver!

  2. I feel your pain about the email..been there...done that. And don't apologize for wanting to cook breakfast for the kids...that's why we are here!!!

  3. ohhh bad day indeed, sorry about that kiddo.
    love egg sammies!!

  4. Oh my god, I am a mom too, just to a burly husband. I make him the exact same thing for breakfast almost 5 days a week. For cholesterol reasons I use fake eggs and canadian bacon! I love that you take such good care of your babies, one of the many reasons I adore you!

  5. Oh, gosh -- I can't even begin to tell you how much I relate on the email front. And quick breakfast? I think we could all take a few tips from you on that! (yum!)

  6. Weekday morning breakfast is oatmeal. I make a list of the week's dinners. Sadly, I often don't follow the side dishes and desserts. But lists help, don't they?

  7. i love your breakfast ideas - we are also breakfast people (would you believe that greece lacks a breakfast culture and kids do not eat breakfast at all???) i get up early in the morning to prepare this breakfast - we have to be out the door by 8am (upcoming post on breakfast)

    smoky computer? i'm always worried that one day, my trusty computer(s) will blow up on me from the amount of time i spend blogging...

    ps. everything you mentioned in your recent comment about swine flu applies to our school too. we havent had any cases yet (only the beginning of the year!) but already children are swapping stories about how there are germs floating around in the school, dont drink tap water, dont go to the toilet, etc (madness...)

  8. Now that is a breakfast I'd like. Impressive looking sausage meat!

    I've discovered the Butchers in the next suburb make wonderfully flavoured (and priced) pork breakfast sausages. Only problem is my darling Zebbycat thinks they are wonderful too!

  9. I would LOVE this for breakfast. I wish my kids would eat eggs. Great tip on squishing the sandwich together.

  10. P.S. Sorry about your e-mail - that's the worst.

  11. I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but this I would go for big time. I can see where squishing it would make all the difference.

    Cooking sausage patties ahead of time...very smart.

  12. i'm a pretty organized person, if i do say so myself, and i appreciate your sausage tip! i love the use of colby jack on your sammich--lovely touch!

  13. Excellent tip about the sausage and a really quick and tasty breakfast.

  14. Now that looks good! I haven't had an egg muffin sandwich ever since I ate one on a very early New Years Day after a particularly drink filled New Years Eve. I don't think I can even be in the same room with one.

  15. Now if "Mickey D" could do it this way... these look absolutely delicious! So, glad I stumbled upon your terrific blog.

    Many thanks for all your tips, too.


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