Saturday, October 3, 2009

Great Eggs-pectations! Bacon and Cheddar Deviled Eggs!

You didn’t think a long time would pass without me singing the praises of the glorious white orb (or brown orb depending on your preference) did you? I think not.

Eggs are a big part of my diet. Not only do I love their flavor, but they are just so accommodating in the recipe department. Don’t you love it when your ingredients cooperate with you?Take today’s recipe for example. I love deviled eggs. I’ve posted about them. I’ve read your posts about them. Is there such a thing as a bad deviled egg? Not in my house, there isn’t. Okay, okay so my kids won’t touch them. Hubbyman and I more than make up for the non-eggers' lack of enthusiasm.

Actually, the yummy stuffed egg recipe I’m sharing with you today is a good one to serve to those a little shy about eating deviled eggs. This recipe does NOT have any vinegar in it, so it’s milder than traditional deviled eggs. Plus it contains cheese and bacon. I mean, come on, who doesn’t like cheese and bacon? Um, besides my children, that is. Oh, they like cheese and bacon and eggs, they just prefer that all parties remain in their respective, designated, separated areas on a plate. *sigh*Anywhooo, these are super simple, and really do taste great. These little stuffed gems are a fun twist on the traditional omelet. They would be perfect at a tailgate party, football buffet, or holiday gathering.

Bacon and Cheddar Deviled Eggs

6 Hard boiled eggs, peeled and split in half
3 Tablespoons Mayo
1 heaping teaspoon grainy, Dijon, or regular mustard
2 Tablespoons grated Cheddar cheese (grate it yourself!)
4 strips bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled
1 teaspoon dried parsley
Salt to taste
White pepper
2 green onions, sliced both white and green parts

Separate the hard boiled yolks from the eggs,
and place the yolks in a large mixing bowl. Place the egg whites, cut side up on a plate. I usually put a paper towel down on the plate first ~ it keeps the whites from sliding around while you stuff them.Mash the yolks with a fork. Add the mayo and mustard, and stir well.I like this kind of mustard, but Dijon would work great, too. Regular mustard would be just fine as well. Stir in the cheese, parsley, salt, white pepper, and most of the bacon. Keep a bit of bacon to garnish with later. Using a small spoon, fill each half of the egg whites, really mounding it high. A spoon works better than a pastry bag because the bacon would clog the tip. Garnish with the reserved bacon and the green onions.Eat. Devour. Make yummy noises. Protect your portion from your egg stealing hubby. So, what great eggs-pectations have you created lately?

PS: Naturally, these are gluten free, too!


  1. Yay!! I got to *see* you! Oh you are such a sweetheart. Don't worry about visiting me. You come when you can. Just wanted to be sure I didn't stick my ample foot in my mouth.

    These eggs look so incredible. I have never even THOUGHT of something like this. It's going on the recipe list this week along with the tomatoes. MMMMMMM. I'm so hungry right now!

  2. Mmmmm, guess what I'm having for lunch tomorrow! My only difference would be to use fresh parsley - it is right beside my front door.

    Apart from the bacon is food Zebbycat isn't into, always a bonus here.

  3. i've only ever had deviled eggs at potluck dinners (and occasionally the leftovers of said potluck for breakfast the next day), and i just love them. they're usually plain, though, so the thought of tossing in bacon and cheese is amazing to me!

  4. My family loves deviled eggs. They are quickly gobbled up when I make them. You've really kicked them up a notch, Paula.

  5. Kids don't know what they're missing!!! What I'm missing is the cayenne pepper ;) but it does look magnificent. Save some for me!

  6. I love deviled eggs! These look sooooooo good!

  7. An old Proverb says, you can’t unscramble an egg ~ but who would want to when making these incredible edible Deviled Eggs. Like you, eggs are my favorite… no matter how they are prepared. Great recipe, thanks!

  8. Oh I love deviled eggs! But why don't I ever make them? Your photos look delicious!

  9. I actually used to make things on purpose that my kids didn't like, just so there would be more for me. That wouldn't work with these eggs though, I'd be lucky to get one.

  10. I do adore deviled eggs. But mine must have pickles. It's the law. I have to make about 3 dozen for one meal (snack or appetizer, really).

  11. I love deviled eggs, but adding bacon and cheese to them has me drooling! I hadn't ever thought of this- great job, Paula!

  12. Yum yum yum! I happen to have some bacon in my fridge! Those are beautiful and making my mouth water!

  13. Devilled eggs have been a favourite for years and always welcome at any gathering.

  14. I love this! Why haven't I ever thought of adding bacon and cheddar to my deviled eggs.

  15. Would anyone judge me if I ate these for dinner? And only these?

  16. I have a weakness for deviled eggs, and I have a feeling I could eat a whole tray of these!


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