Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Redemption Recipe: AuGratin Muffin Tin Potatoes

Oh geez. Please tell me I am not standing alone on the blog blunder podium. I just made a huge typing error when commenting on another blog. I'm not talking about transposing a couple of letters. Ooooh nooo, that would be too easy. No, I went for the gusto. I left out a word that completely changes the meaning of what I was ineptly trying to convey. I left out the word “not”, so now my comment appears to say one thing when I meant to say the exact opposite. Argh!!! Why. Is. There. No. Edit/Erase/Delete Button on Wordpress? Picture me with my face buried in my hands. Perhaps the blog owner will edit it for me. If she’s still speaking to me. So I now just look like a flaming idiot. Don’t you just LOVE it when that happens. Um, I don't mean ... I don’t want you to enjoy my flaming moment. What I mean to say is, oh never mind, forget it. Obviously, I’m continuing to experience a communication malfunction.

*Update* All is well in my world again. The blog owner mercifully corrected my mistake. I can go out in public again. Whew!Well, I hope today's recipe will offer me redemption. At least I can still cook without sticking my foot in my mouth. Give me time, though, and I’m sure I can dazzle the masses with a faux pax here, too. Luckily, today’s recipe is a real show stopper, in a good way. It’s homemade augratin potatoes that are prepared in muffin tins. Did any of you see The Next Food Network Star program where the lady, Melissa, who ended up winning, prepared muffin tin augratin potatoes as part of her final competition? I thought it was a brilliant idea.

I’ve made this a few times since then, each time tweaking it more and more. You can find the original recipe posted on the Food Network website, but mine is a little different. To be honest, I’ve enjoyed every variation so far. This is a no brainer recipe. It’s not fast though. It takes a bit of time to prep everything and then requires 40 minutes to bake plus 10 minutes to sit, so keep that in mind.
Making this in tins is pure fun, and there is an advantage to it as well. If you have picky eaters, everyone can play sous chef by customizing their own little cubicle. Let’s say you like onions, but your kids don’t. If you were making this in a casserole dish, you’d either have to a) leave out your yummy onions or b) put in your beloved onions but have your kids turn up their onion-free-zone nose. With the tins, you can customize each one, and then everyone walks away happy. Plus, it will teach those up-and-coming sous chefs how to cook this marvelous dish.It’s so simple. All the basic recipe contains is: ultra thinly sliced potatoes, seasoned salt, shredded cheese, butter, and cream. That’s it. That’s all I put in my kids “pots” as they call them. Hubbyman and I like a little more zip, so I put some crispy fried onions in ours. Oh, I’ve also made this in regular size muffin pans as well as the jumbo ones. The results of both are magnificent. Also, fyi, my muffin tins are heavy duty, non stick. If you use regular tins, you might want to grease them first.

To fill a 12 cup regular tin, or a 6 cup jumbo one, you will need:

5 good sized russet potatoes, peeled
about 1 ½ cups shredded cheese, divided (I used CoJack, Sharp, and Medium cheddar cheeses)
Heavy cream – about 2 generous tablespoons per tin
2 scant tablespoons butter, melted
Seasoned Salt
Optional: Crispy Fried Onions

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Using a mandolin, slice your potatoes ultra thin.See how thin they are? Place in your largest mixing bowl.Here are those crispy onions I was talking about. YUM!Toss with melted butter, ½ the cheese, seasoned salt, and onions if using. Spoon into the muffin tins.Really pile them in because they will settle and compact down during cooking. Top with a bit more cheese.Pour 2 tablespoons of cream over each one. Be patient, it will soak in. Uh, yeah, I know the photo above this one already shows the cream in it. Well, let's just say I'm keeping the momentum moving forward on my faux pax's today. Cover with foil and place the muffin tray onto a rimmed baking sheet. Place both in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake another 10 minutes or until golden brown on top. Remove from oven and let sit at least 10 minutes. The longer you let them sit, the more likely they will hold their shape when removed. Serve and garnish as desired.I just love crispy edges! And that color speaks for itself!Just look at these layers! It really packs down as it bakes.I love the different strata going on here.Here you go, try a bite. Oh, don't you just love that golden, crunchy bottom? This makes a great main course for a luncheon or a side course for dinner. This dish plays well with others ... beef, chicken, pork, and fish.I like it paired with a vinaigrette laced salad. Naturally, this is gluten free, all the way. YUM! (And thanks for putting up with me, faults and all!)


  1. Paula - I make typos all the time, no matter how much I proofread. These mini-gratins look delishimo. I'll be adding them to my recipe favs.

    (I recently came across a quiche recipe where the "crust" was finely sliced potato, brushed with butter and layered into the pie/quiche dish. The spuds were baked for a few minutes in the oven before the quiche innards were added. I'll email it if I ever find it again!)

  2. Paula, Don't you just love these babies?! What an awesome idea to add the crispy fried onions. I will have to try that next time.

  3. I bought a mandoline, but couldn't make it work right. I'm back to my food processor. This is a great idea. Do you have giant muffin tins? I can't see my guys tolerating anything less. This is a great way to let everyone DIY and personalize!

  4. i just think this is such a great idea. baby portions of cheesy taters. i say "baby" because clearly i'd require (many) more than one little muffin-shaped heap. :)

  5. Paula, Paula, Paula, dang that looks good. I am roasting a turkey breast today and wondered what to have as a side! Whooo Hoooooooo

  6. No one could ever be mad at you! WE all make typos! See? :)

  7. Paula... In this fast paced world we live in, it's not hard to leave a word or two out... and just think what the reader might be doing; they may have filled the word in by reading it fast. Whatever, it will make them think.

    As for this incredible looking Potato AuGratin, I want seconds, please! All your photographs are so vivid, you have captured all my eating senses – sight, smell and taste. Well done and I am definitely going to give your muffin tin method a try. Thanks...

  8. I always love coming here to see what I'm going to cook next!


  9. Oh yes, the typos...we all do it!

    This looks awesome...oh yes it does, I think you are forgiven.

  10. I hate it when I mess up on a comment...you aren't alone.

    These augratin potatoes look amazing - doing them in the muffin tin is brilliant! Bookmarked.

  11. Sometimes I'm so grateful for those "blog owner's approval" comments, 'cause I can send another one and then ask they delete what I said in the first place. Otherwise, I just go back in and use the word I forgot to use, totally confusing everyone because 12 people have commented since I pressed *send*.

    Okay, enough blather. These taters look simply SCRUMPTIOUS... and I'm going to run right out and buy a muffin tin so that I can make these tonite!

  12. i have to admire you for your patience paula - i am so slap dash in my cooking that my layers would probably like heaps if i were to make this!

    and that onion is absolutely to die for - goes with everything in my opinion!

  13. Has anyone come upon GIANT muffin tins anywhere for Marjie - or just a Texas style muffin tin with 30 muffin holes?

    (MArjie - hope you take this okay, where is the "mandolin" now? which son has been inflicted with it?)

    With Cheeky Love, Michelle

  14. OMG, this looks good. How can anyone improve on potatoes and cheese. Add crispy fried onions of course.

    I hate it when I mess up a comment and it goes flying off into cyberspace before I can correct it. Grrrr. But everybody does it.

  15. Paula, Paula, Paula. You make me drool. I bet you get that all the time. Me, my sheaves, and your sheep should all get together and have dinner! Au gratin potatoes are amnng my favorite foods. I'm heading in right now to make stroganoff. I'm STARVING tonight. Well, I'm starving as of showing up here 10 minutes ago!

  16. but, but, but my diet! How can I resist it looks SOOOO good?

  17. I'm going on a walking errand to get the ingredients for the verde chicken enchiladas from a few days ago but the Potatoes AuGratin in muffin pans is also such a great idea-- thanks for posting!

  18. What a great idea, these small sized, cheesy muffin tin tators! I'd have to have more than one as a dish like this is a real weekness with me!

  19. First of all who could ever be mad at you Paula! You're too cute. I love your cubicle idea, great for fussy eaters like my 8yr old GD.

  20. Loving this innovative presentation of a traditional fall/holiday standard. Those crispy brown edges are gorgeous. We'd certainly take a moment to swoon over your pretty Au Gratin package—but only a moment! You can only resist the temptation to dig in for so long.

  21. These look great! How do you get them out of the tin when they are done?

    (I mean, get them out without burning myself or crushing the cute little "muffins" -- my method usually entails lots of trials and even more errors.)

  22. I really like the individually sized servings that the muffin tray provides. They look so cheesy and good!


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