Friday, March 19, 2010

Surgery Update

Thanks for all the warm wishes for my little leprechaun. Her surgery did not go as well as expected as there was a complication. The removal of the adnoids and tonsils went just fine, but somehow -- and I’m not repeating this very eloquently – the bone above her front teeth fractured/chipped and her front, permanent, top two teeth fell out. Luckily, the surgeon captured them. To make a long story short, a trauma dental guy was brought in and he “reseated” her teeth. They are being held on with a wire; she kind of looks like she has braces. Hopefully, the bone will heal around the teeth. We will be pursuing all treatment options as we realize this may not be a long term fix.

Let me just say that I’ll never forget the feeling that came over me when the surgeon entered the waiting room and asked us to step inside a consultation room. Both my husband and I are very good in crisis mode, and were able to stay focused during the discussion. Our surgeon asked a pediatric dentist on call to join us. I was not impressed. He projected the opinion of NOT trying to save the teeth. Obviously, the man has never loved a child. Who would expect a child to just deal with it. Also, he’s never met me. Ever hear of how a mama grisly bear behaves when her cub is threatened? Well, mama grisly bears cower before me. I don’t scream and yell or stomp my feet, but I am gifted with being able to project my insistence in such a way that there is no further discusson.

I made it crystal clear that my 10 year old daughter was going to wake up with her teeth in her mouth. I don’t care if you, sir, don’t think it will work. I understand it might not be a long term fix. I. Get. It. This is my daughter. My decision. I know my daughter. We will try to save the teeth. I asked my surgeon to assemble a team who is capable of getting it done. He did. He found a great trauma dental specialist on staff in the emergency room who came right over and got it done. His response was more to my liking in that you at least have to try to save the teeth. Ironically, he had lost his own front teeth in high school, and so he totally understoond our decision to try.

So, my littlest gal had to be under anesthesia way longer than planned. Her poor little mouth is all bruised and swollen. But ... her attitude is terrific. I swear she is actually an angel. A real, true, live angel sent down to make the world a better place. Everyone she meets is completely captivated by how amazing she is. Lordy, I sure do love that little gal.

When she woke up in recovery, I shared with her what was going on. She took the news with grace beyond her years. When I told her that we decided to try to save her teeth, her response was “good choice, mom”. Then she motioned for her dad to lean in close, and in her raspy, whisper like voice she asked him for a dog. A Boston Terrier to be specific. Gotta love how she worked the system!

Our next steps include having her heal from surgery, and then figure out a short and long term dental plan for her. She has to be on a soft diet until the bone heals. You’ll be amazed at the wonders of jello that I’ve come up with.

Send all your positive, encouraging, healing thoughts her way. We shall persevere onward! And smile big, bold, teethy smiles!


  1. what an ordeal for your precious child...I don't think I would of done any different in your position. Good strong push on your part!! Mother does know BEST!I send you hugs and strength for your healing days ahead. Keep Strong!

  2. What an ordeal for you both and your daughter! I'm keeping your family in my prayers; I pray your daughter heals quickly, and that you remain the mama bear who will get things done the way they should be! :)

  3. Good for you! I would have done the same thing...only uglier.

  4. That is a lot for a young girl to go through. Good for you for trying to save her teeth. I would have done the same exact thing.

  5. Glad to hear the grizzly won out for your daughter's sake. She sounds like a real keeper!

  6. I wondered why we hadn't heard from you. I would not have been quietly insistent. Ever seen a bulldozer in a girly suit? You don't want to. Poor baby. Now it's time to break out the soup cookbook I sent you, and make her the custard from my custard pie last week (minus the almonds). Nutrition with great flavor; poor baby will be wanting to claim sore throat for 3 weeks.

    Patrick (who has always been a lunatic) was running around the outside of our garage in the dark when he was about 8 (don't ask why; that's an unanswerable question), crashed into the corner of the garage, and broke his two front teeth off halfway up. I got Kevin (yes, the same dentist) to come in on a Saturday morning to repair those teeth. He never had the nerve to suggest not saving them. Poor Baby! Patrick can sympathize in more ways than one.

    BTW, they implant screws to let the bone grow around them for tooth implants. It seems like what you describe is much the same thing. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this works!

    Hugs to the wee Italian Leprachaun!

  7. Good for you, Mama Grizzly! Don't ley ANYONE mess with your cub!
    What I don't understand, is how the bone above her teeth could have been affected in the first place, since this was just supposed to be a simple adenoid, tonsil thing, wasn't it?
    *hugs* to all of you!

  8. Your poor, dear wee darling. Thank goodness for you being a persisitant Mama Bear and for an understanding Trauma.

    Your little one is amazing, sending heartfelt love to you all and some healing huggles for an incredible girl

  9. Way to stand up for your kids Mamma Grizzly.

  10. paula, i hope that someday i can prove that i am as brave as you are for standing up to that surgeon, and i want you to know that i have been thinking a lot about you and your family

  11. Gosh, she is such a trooper. I pray she recovers quickly and completely. I love that she still has a sense of humor through it all.

  12. Man that brought tears to my eyes, what an amazing little girl you have there! p.s. good idea on the Boston request, LOL! Bella just turned one last week!

  13. I can't imagine what you've been through, Paula. We have to stand up for our little ones and sometimes put our foot down. You are in my prayers and I hope the bone around her teeth heals quickly. Kids have amazing little bodies that do amazing things. Keep us posted.

  14. Well, since I'm behind on my reading, I'm just now getting to this! I hope she is doing well. I love her already - the dog request was perfect!

  15. I am only just now catching up with you, Paula, and I'm so sorry to read about the poor little mite. I lost my 4 front teeth in a cycling accident when I was 15, so she has my wholehearted sympathy. I hope all continues to go well for her.


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