Friday, May 30, 2008


Whew ... lots of new things to post. First dibs goes to the fudge that offspring #3 requested in lieu of birthday cake this year. After scouring, oh, about 3 million recipes for fudge and making another trillion batches of the yummy stuff (well, ok, not that many but it seemed like it), the entire family selected their top favorites. The winners are a) for the richer chocolate category: Miss Marjie's Fudge, and b) for the mild catagory: the fudge recipe off of the condensed milk can.

As you can see, Miss Marjie's Fudge (as named by my daughter) is a decadent dark chocolate fudge that you would swear had caramel in it. It is chewy without being too soft, and was consumed in great quantities by hubby man. In deference to the kidlin's, I prepared it without nuts; however, next time I think I'll toss in some chopped walnuts. Divine stuff. Thanks for the recipe, Marjie!

The condensed-milk fudge was ridiculously easy to prepare, and had a very mild chocolate flavor. You can tell by it's lighter color that it did not have the depth of flavor of the other fudge, but was still very tasty. It was a firmer fudge and my birthday girl used a star shaped cookie cutter to cut shapes out of it. Her birthday candles were these darling little shapes attached to toothpicks which were quite easily applied to the fudge. And ... the melted wax just popped right off.

Both of these were a hit in my household and at the party! Looking at the photos makes me want to whip up another batch. Fudgelicious!

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