Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chocolate Quest

My littlest baby, my youngest one, my wee little thing has the nerve to turn 9 years old next week. Tuesday the 27th at 11:11 am, she officially says goodbye to 8 and hello to 9. Since she can't have wheat, that means a traditional cake is not an option. She actually requested chocolate fudge instead. Oh, and she wants it decorated with happy birthday messages (I need Marjie's daughter for this task!). So, I need to find a good recipe fast. Hence, my quest begins.

I am on a chocolate quest ... a recipe quest ... for the best tasting, easiest making chocolate fudge recipe. While I'm at it, I'm also after the best tasting, easiest making flourless chocolate cake recipe. Yesterday, I made the fudge recipe found on the back of the chocolate chip bag with only mediocre results. Oh, the flavor was great ... nice and chocolately, but the texture was way too soft. A couple of google searches have produced a few recipes that sound intriguing. I thought about making these chocolately rice cripsy type treats, but, and I quote, "I want my fudge" was her response. So, fudge it shall be -- no nuts or other texture type ingredients are welcome here ... just plain old fudge.

By the way, since eliminating wheat from her diet, my little gal has gained a couple pounds. She's always been a great eater, but is very, very, very petite. An unexpected side benefit to her new diet is that she's gained a couple of pounds and has crossed the 50 lb. mark! Her little body is probably finally able to digest food instead of dealing with the wheat. Life is good!

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