Sunday, May 18, 2008

Racing Weekend

Another week has come on gone. Things have been hoppin' here in the grand old Pacific Northwest. First, on both Friday and Saturday, it was pushing 100 degrees, and today was well over 90 degrees. Why do I consider this noteworthy? Well, for starters, last weekend it was cold, drizzly, and the high was in the low 40's. Truth be told, I love feeling the sun raining down on me instead of the wet stuff.

Next, over the past few days, all three of the front running Presidential candidates dropped in the area for a visit. No matter who you choose to vote for in the election, you've got to admit that we are witnessing history and I want my kids to understand the importance of exercising their right to vote (I feel a homeschool lesson coming on) ... of course my daughter wants to be the first female President, so she has her own thoughts on the Presidential race.

Speaking of racing, the third exciting thing was that my offspring #2, -- the one who wants to be President ... oh, and she also wants to be a research scientist ... chant "full ride academic scholarship with me 3 times here -- competed in her track and field CYO Meet of Champions on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. You may recall that my wee one participated in her meet last weekend. The older kids competed this weekend. Despite the unusual heat, over 500 kids showed up slathered in sunscreen prepared to compete. My girl competed in three events: javalin, 400 meter, and 400 meter relay. She did great!

Her first event on Saturday was the javalin throw. Out in the sun. Brutal heat. No shade anywhere. Did I mention she's fair skinned? Not only did she perform great in the sun, she totally shined and threw further than she had in any of the regular meets. She finished 7th overall out of all those kids! Check out her concentration!

Today she only had one event, the 400 relay. She's on a team with 3 other girls, and ran the 2nd leg. Usually she runs 3rd, and so she was receiving and handing off differently than in practice. No sweat though (well, actually they were quite sweaty, but you know what I mean). She ran her heart out ... so much so that after the curve and heading into the straightaway her shoe fell off!!! Can you believe it!!! Undaunted, she kept on running with one shoe on and one shoe off. She was so worried she'd be disqualified, but there was no penalty at all. Another team mate retrieved her shoe, and when all the scores were tallied, her 4 person team came in 3rd place overall ... out of 18 teams or something like that!

I love how she persevered despite losing her shoe! That's my kid ... make lemonade, babe! She kept her focus which is commendable for a 12 year old. Doesn't she look triumphant standing on the podium getting her ribbon? She's the one in green with the bangs.

What ever will we do next weekend without track and field meets? Hmmm .... well, I think we (meaning hubby man and son) should get those raised garden beds built and planted. For gardening inspiration, check out Kalyn's awesome blog here. I've also got a group of 6th grade girls coming over to make blankets for Project Linus, a great charity that distributes homemade blankets to kids in the hospital. Oh, and then there's the fact that my sister will be visiting from Illinois. Plus, there's my wee one's birthday party. Oh yea, we'll find something to do! I need a vitamin. And sleep. Lots of sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Try good strong tea. Like Irish Breakfast Tea. Caffeine overload for all the things coming up this week! Congrats to C for her outstanding performance (and sympathy for having her Daddy's complexion).


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