Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Less Is More: aka: Cheesy Potato Slices and 38 Clove Garlic Chicken

Have you ever heard the expression, “Less is More”? This post was originally supposed to entice all of you with a mouthwatering rendition of that famous vampire-repelling chicken dish called 40 Clove Garlic Chicken. But then I was hit with a B.S. situation. Now behave, everyone. I’m referring to “Bait and Switch” not the other thing. Besides, how often do you hear me swear? I mean come on. If I ever did let loose, you’d pull me aside all the while trying to suppress your guffaws, and tell me to give it up. Some people can swear with great gusto and some people just can’t. I’m firmly entrenched in the latter category. I’ve accepted it. Excuse me while I polish my halo. Ahem. Anyway ... back to the bait and switch.

Like I said, this was to be about the 40 clove recipe. I’ve seen a handful of these recipes recently as well as a video about preparing it, and wanted to give it a go myself. Actually, I, uh, only had 38 cloves to which my husband asked with raised eyebrows if, you know, the missing two were really going to make a difference. Answer: No. No WAY. Not in this lifetime. In fact, next time, I think I’m going to make this with significantly fewer cloves. The garlic that I have is rather pungent, and despite the caramelization and simmering, the little beasties still came on super strong. And I like garlic. Love it, in fact. So even though the garlic perfumed my kitchen in the most tantalizing way while it was simmering on the stove top, this was just too much of a good thing. Perhaps if I had a mild garlic I’d consider using more, but for moi, 10 or 15 will suffice next time just fine. Plus, um, my frugal side won’t allow me to use that much of any ingredient let alone my precious garlic at one time again. For me, in this instance, less is definitely more.

So here’s the bait and switch part ... the big hit of the meal was the potatoes.It’s a less is more type of dish, and was completely, hungrily, masterfully devoured. It totally usurped the chix. The picky eaters club members ravenously chowed down, as did hubbyman. These quickly thrown together little earth tubers completely overshadowed the chicken. Don’t get me wrong, the chicken was very good, and I’ll make it again, but the potatoes were SPECTACULAR! Even better, they are economical and quick to make with regular pantry ingredients. Let’s make some potatoes.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Regular russet potatoes, sliced very thin, peel left on. (I used one per person.)
Seasoned Salt (I used Lawrey’s)
About 2 cups of cheese (Shred it yourself please! You'll make me so oh so happy if you do! I used cheddar and a wee bit of mont. jack.)
A tablespoon of canola or olive oil
1 tablespoon melted butter

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a large Ziploc bag, add the oil of your choice and melted butter. Add the thinly sliced potatoes, and smoosh them around to get coated by the oil/butter mixture. I find this to be more effective than drizzling. Any excess oil and liquid from the potatoes remains in the bag and not on the baking sheet.Get a large baking sheet and spread the potatoes out in as thin and even layer as you can. The potatoes will, of course, be stacked on top of each other depending upon how many you use. If you prepare more than 5 potatoes, use two baking sheets. Now generously sprinkle the potatoes with seasoned salt. Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until crispy looking.See how these are crispy looking. Crispy on the outside, yummiliously creamy on the thin inside. Turn off the oven.Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the potatoes, and keep in the oven until melted ... about 2 minutes. DONE.Hello you lovely tubers. Like I said, my kids couldn’t eat these fast enough. They had very generous servings and asked for seconds. Then they were devastated when after requesting thirds were told there was no more. I did, of course, suggest that if they were still hungry, they could choke down the teeny, tiny speck of spinach I put on their plate. That silenced the raving beasts. They did eat the chicken, but weren't crazy about it. Hubbyman liked it, though. Of course, he was wrestling the stray potato bits away from the children. I just ate with a smile on my face. It’s that halo thing again.Here’s a photo of the chicken to show how wonderful it really was. Poor thing getting totally wall-flowered by the potatoes. I used Ina Garten’s recipe as my foundation, only modifying it slightly to make it gluten free. I’ve got to say that I really don’t miss using flour to thicken sauces at all anymore. If you haven’t tried corn starch, please consider it. It makes such a satiny sauce without any heaviness to it.Just look at it here. Doesn’t the sauce look dreamy? Let me know if you want the gluten free recipe, and I’ll gladly send it to you.

Oh, and like most things here at It’s all gouda, this entire meal was gluten free, all the way baby!


  1. hi paula, just to say thanks for showing interest in my misery, which by the way i'm getting over, but very slowly. i'm so glad i've shown you how to roast chestnuts, and i really hope you try this one day. check out the link i have put in my post, the other lady does really lovely chestnuts
    i only just turned on my computer and found your comment, so i need to come back later and check out your latest post

  2. Oh yes please! I would love the recipe for the chicken!!! We're eating more and more gluten-free
    (I actually started because several of my children with autism do better gluten free) and I'm loving how it makes me feel! ;-)

  3. i love cheesy oven potatoes, but i must admit, 40 cloves of garlic does sound dangerous!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow - I LOVE the look of those potatoes! The chicken looks really yummy too!

  5. Cheesy potatoes and galicky chicken we are so on the same wavelength here:D The word varification here says "Ching" so "Cha-Ching" to these recipes which are right on the money:D

  6. The potaoes look so yummy! I can see why they were devoured quickly.And, yes, I think you need to post the recipe for the chicken.I've seen versions of the recipe before, but was wary of using that much garlic also.

  7. These potatoes are like au gratin potatoes, only in a flat format. Sounds good to me. I'm so glad you like cornstarch for sauces. I was tickled to find a huge container of it when I went to Sam's with my son (remember that exciting weekend? Didn't think so). I've thought about trying 40 clove chicken, but with my dearly beloved's bad reactions to it, it would be a terrible idea, and, like you, I thought 40 cloves would be overkill. I'm glad you tried it for me!

  8. YOU are SO hard on my diet! I know we'd both love these.

  9. Oh Paula - can I come for dinner? The potatoes look amazing and so does the 38 clove garlic chicken. My garlic really mellowed in flavor when I made this dish but it wasn't particularly strong in the first place.

  10. I say yummy on those taters too ... and I just happened to be looking for something to add to my supper today ... lol, guess what it will be ? Will be a nice addition to my parmesan chicken, which just happens to be an Ina recipe too :)

  11. I swear, I want to reach into the computer and grab one of those potatoes!! The chicken and the potatoes sound and look absolutely delicious!

  12. well, it's no surprise to me that cheese-covered taters stole the show. yum and yum.

  13. OH MY GOSH! My two favorite things in the world, cheese and taters! I am making this Sunday!

  14. I LOVE both of these. They look divine!

  15. OK, I seriously want MORE of that.

    As an official potato ho, I have to ask: You are going to submit this for the Potato Ho-Down, right?

    HO DOWN Deadline is March 16th

  16. Those potatoes look fantastic Paula. I love this kind of recipe because I can make a small amount just for me. And I have to admit, I like the 40 cloves.

  17. Happy Wednesday everyone! We're half-way to the weekend!

    Med Kiwi: I hope you are getting enough rest. And you can bet I'll try the chestnuts! Dangerous is a good word for all that garlic, although I do admit that my cloves are on the strong side.

    Tatersmama: You know, it's amazing to me how eliminating wheat and whole wheat products, which are touted big time over here as healthy, has helped so many people. I've heard from others that gluten free eating has helped with their various children with autism, asbergers, and attention deficit type of conditions.

    Jan: They did look pretty tasty!

    Bellini Valli: I love it when the verification words spell stuff!

    Lynda: I'll get that recipe up!

    Marjie: LOVE cornstarch! There is some potato dish, I can't remember what it is called, it begins with a 'D' ... Dauphine? Diane? ... that this reminds me of, too!

    Prairie Runner: I so need to go on a diet. *sigh*

    Pam: I really think my garlic was too strong to begin with. I did like it, though, and will make it again ... testing my garlic first!

    Ohio Mom: I look forward to seeing a post about your chicken (hint, hint!) I really like Ina's stuff.

    Aggie: I'll trade you some chicken and potatoes for your fish tacos!

    Grace: Cheese + Potatoes = total yum!

    Cheryl: I'll be making these again soon!

    Duckie: The house smelled divine while all of this cooked!

    Lo: Oh, I don't have the nerve to enter any of my little recipes into any of the round ups. I sure do love to read them, though!

    Cathy: It's a very flexible recipe! I think my garlic cloves were just too strong to begin with. I'll have to test the beasties first next time I make this! :-)

  18. Oh yes the taters! And the chicken! Wow, so, so yummy!

    Did you know the perfect wine pairing for 40 cloves of garlic chicken is Chardonnay? Just thought you should know.

  19. Why have I never thought of putting cheese on roasted potato slices? Why?

  20. I have to say I agree, much as I adore garlic, 40 cloves does seem a tad excessive. Nevertheless, I would still try the recipe. But those spuds are magnifique. Definitely a show stealer.

    BTW, I have really had to curb my language since moving to the "Bible belt." Believe me, we Brits have cuss words you've never even heard of. Which is perhaps as well, as most people don't understand if I do say something I shouldn't. :-)

  21. Only two more days until the weekend!

    Sophie: Thanks for stopping by! The taters were yummy!

    Noble Pig: They were good eats! And thanks for the wine tip! I did NOT know that. On pure luck, though, that's what I used in the recipe because it's what I had on hand! :-)

    Pam: I think 'cheese' 24/7!

    Lisa: They really were quite delish!

    Jan: You crack me up! The only shall we say "colorful" words I know from England are the ones I pick up on while watching my English mystery series on TV! Somehow hearing the words spoken with a British accent makes it all sound so much more fascinating!

  22. Just wanted to let you know that I made these last night. Didn't have any cheddar, so I used Italian seasoning on the taters and sprinkled them with a mixture of mozzarella and parmesan ...the boy child ate half of them :)

    This is a keeper recipe!

  23. Those potatoes are calling me even though it is early yet. Like that matters to my tummy! Cheesy potatoes are heavenly, aren't they? Love the garlic chicken although I know my hubby would moan about all that garlic, so I would have to drop the amounts as well. Looks fabulous, though!

  24. Happy Thursday!

    Ohio Mom: Oh, you just made my day with this message! And ... your use of seasonings and mozz/parm cheese is Brilliant! I'll try that next time! :-)

    Bridgett: Mmmm ... I could eat any form of cheese and potatoes morning, noon, and night! :-)

  25. Potatoes! Cheese! What's not to like? I think your chicken looks good too!

  26. My hands are washed, what time is dinner sister? Oh wow , it looks so yum and maybe you can have too much garlic, but never, I mean never too much cheese. I'm going weak and sliding out of my chair!

  27. Lisa: It was very likable indeed!

    Katherine: Not to worry, I have another chair right here for you! Let me start grating the cheeeeeese ...:-)

  28. Hey, don't worry about the swearing. We wouldn't have you any other way! :) Truth is I only am convincing at it in print, and not in real life.

    Now, about the garlic... I've never really gotten why there had to be forty, but then again, you'll have a ton of roasted garlic to put on things if you don't want to eat it with your chicken :) But the whole dinner-- esp. the potatoes-- does look fab!

  29. Paula, Those potatoes look very addicting! and I would have gobbled up your 38 clove chicken any day!!

  30. Queen Bitty tolerates the new wall color. She's more upset her additional servants have left for Shreveport.

    Can I have the 38 clove recipe? It looks really good!

  31. You won't win any dietary awards with this meal but it's long on looking good and full of yummyness!

  32. Baked cheese covered potatoes....mmm...

  33. did i rad that right? 38 cloves! please share the recipe!


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