Saturday, March 7, 2009

They Call Me Mellow Jello ... Jello Parfait Dessert!

Well, they don’t really call me Mellow Jello. Thank heaven. What are your thoughts on jello? I happen to enjoy the wiggly jiggly stuff, and my favorite way to eat it is parfait style. Even better, those wiggly children of mine enjoy it, too. This is the easiest dessert on the planet to make and is very economical as well. It’s fluffy light and will tickle your tastebuds with it’s refreshing fruity flavor.Plus, it looks so gosh darn pretty, too. I just love looking at those layers! With Easter around the corner, this is a nice light dessert to offer your family and friends ... and yourself!

All you need is jello and whipped cream. That’s it, my blogging jello loving friends. Come on and make it with me! Come on, you’ll love it.Ingredients:
Jello – I used two 3 oz strawberry packets to make 6 generous servings.
2 cups whipping cream

Before you begin, clear a space in your fridge to set the jello cups and bowl.Next, set out six serving dishes. I like to use glass ones so that everyone can see the pretty layers. It’s kind of fun to use different types and sizes of serving glasses. Anything will work ... I used juice glasses, a custard dish, a glass tea cup, a wine class, and a dessert cup. Now simply make the jello according to the package directions. For any jello novices out there, for two boxes that means adding two cups of boiling water, stir, then add 2 cups cold water. Done.Pour some of the liquid jello into the bottom of the serving dishes. I filled them about ¼ - 1/3 full of jello. You will have a lot of jello left in the mixing bowl. Put all the dishes and the mixing bowl in the fridge, and let set until the jello is firm. About 3-4 hours. When the jello in the mixing bowl is firm, prepare the whipped cream.Use 2 cups whipping cream, and whip it very, very stiff. More stiff than you usually would for whipped topping.Take about half the whipped cream and fold into the jello in the mixing bowl, taking care to make sure you incorporate all the jello. Now simply spoon it on top of the jello in the serving dishes, leaving space at the top to add add’l whipped cream.Use the back of a spoon to smooth the top of the jello/whipped cream mixture. Now top with the remaining whipped cream. I used an offset spatula to smooth the tops flat. DONE!You could add some fruit on top. I had blueberries, so I put a couple on top. Sliced strawberries would be yummy too.Any flavor of jello will work. I tend to prefer strawberry for this, as I like the flavor as well as the vibrant color, but really, anything will do. I always use regular jello, but I'm sure that the sugar-free version would work just as well. Which reminds me, I tend to prefer whipped cream unsweetened or just slightly sweet, so I didn't add powdered sugar to this recipe. If you prefer a sweeter topping, simply add a tablespoon (or to taste) of powdered sugar to the cream as you whip it.

This is AWESOME, and it's gluten free, all the way, baby!


  1. I made jello all the time when my kids were little and they loved it. For some reason, now they won't touch it. Nice photos, Paula. Very nostalgic. I used to put fruit cocktail in it. Haven't bought a can of that in at least 20 years.

  2. That looks soo good and I could use sugar free jello, I am making this! thanks for sharing!

  3. Okay those are adorable! It's so old school and cool! I love it!

  4. i haven't had jelly for yearss
    my mom used to make it regularly for us when i was young - we all loved it. why i don't make it now beats me - i guess it's because i would eat more than the kids...

  5. The thing about jello that I remember most is that when I was I kid my dad took us to a little diner that displayed it with their desserts. I thought it looked sooooooo good but when I got to order it I was just so disappointed that it didn't taste as "red" as it looked.

  6. When I was a kid we used to be able to get a dessert from jello that separated into layers after it chilled. This reminds me of those days but I am sure your version is much more delicious!!

  7. I haven't had jello in ages! Thanks for reminding me how fun and yummy it is.

  8. Hey Paula, these look so good I love jelly and cream together yum yum yum - I love the picture!

    Did you know that in the UK if you put thick custard between the jelly and the cream and put some sponge finger biscuits at the bottom of the jelly with a little sherry you would have yourself a traditional British trifle. :) Have you ever tried trifle before?

  9. I love this kind of dessert! Did you ever try mixing flavors? Say, lemon at the bottom, orange mixed with the cream, and straight cream at the top? Wonderful stuff.

  10. What a blast from the past! Very pretty stuff. I think the last time I made jello was when my son was making an edible cell model for science class. It's a great medium and I do like to eat it too. Thanks for a fun suggestion.

  11. Jeena usurped me, because I was thinking the very same thing. It's kind of similar to English trifle - but not - if you get my drift. You need to try a trifle real soon, you'll love it. Not that this doesn't look fabulous as is. :-)

  12. Hi Everyone!

    Cathy: My entire family loves jello. We tend to eat it in spurts, and I always wonder why I don't make it more often!

    Cheryl: It really is good. Hope your hubby is home safe and sound!

    Noble Pig: They are really fun!

    Med Kiwi: Hope you are feeling better! My mom always gave me jello when I was sick!

    Linda: Ooh, I've had that happen, too! This one, though, is quite delightful!

    Bellini Valli: My hubby mentioned that exact dessert to me, but I've never had it. I wonder if they still make it?

    Pam: It really is fun and yummy!

    Jeena: I've never had a true trifle! I've had the one with just pudding and lady fingers; I'll have to try the real thing!

    Marjie: That's a great idea! I've not tried that; I bet the kids would enjoy it ... me, too!

    Lisa: Now that sounds like a fun science project; clever, too! My daughter's last project had hydrochloric acid in it ... no eating allowed!

    Jan: I'll have to give it a try! Did you have jello when you were on your liquid diet? I'd probably have consumed a gallon of it!

  13. Ahhhh... Sweet Memories!
    We used to have this all the time when we were kids and then I made it for my children as well. I doubt my grandsons have ever even tried it though !

    I used to love making it in mis-matched cups and glasses too... That was half the fun!

  14. I live in the state that consumes the most jello, so I'm sure this would be a definite hit here!

  15. This dessert is perfect! So nice!
    I'm amelia from portugal and i usually visit your blog,because it's very good.
    now i create an english blog about portuguese food. I hope you like it.

  16. Yum. It's been years since I have had a jellow parfait. My kids would absolutely love these.

  17. My mom used to make these when my brother and I were young. We LOVED them and these look fantastic! I need to get moving on making these for my kids.

  18. Jello always reminds me of those Bill Cosby commercials from when I was a kid.

  19. I used to make a version of this when my kids were younger and they loved it! Beautiful picture too!

  20. Happy Monday!

    Tatersmama: Jello is such fun for kids! You could introduced your grandkids to the stuff and be their hero!

    Deborah: I forgot that Utah is the jello state!

    Portuguese Flavours: Thanks for stopping by, and good luck with your new blog!

    Pam: My kids loved them ... they also like just plain jello, too!

    Bridgett: These are great fun for the kids, nice and light and fruity!

    Duckie: I remember those, too! "A bowl of jello, please!)

    Lynda: Thanks! Jello has lots of memories for lots of us!

  21. Jello is back in style baby! I was thinking of making a Jello fruit salad for Easter, but I'm thinking parfait now.

    Everyone's inner child loves Jello, fantastic post Paula!

  22. yet again with the punny titles! i so enjoy them. :) and hey--great treat, too. :)

  23. I have not had jello made that way in a long time. It looks wonderful. Nice post!

  24. I stumbled across your blog looking for a home-made sushi tut type thing for a friend, and I must say that some of the dishes you've put on your blog simply look amazing. Great job! You've earned another regular reader for sure :)

  25. Happy Tuesday!

    Katherine: I love jello salads! I really like the lime one with pineapple, nuts, and whipped cream!

    Grace: I aim to please! Thanks!

    Debbie: Thanks! We eat it in spurts, but always love it!

    Liz: Thanks for your kind words, and welcome to It's All Gouda!

  26. Man, I used to make this all the time "back in the day". I love that you used different sized glasses, awesome idea!

  27. Hee hee, I'm an unabashed jello lover myself. It's just so fantastically retro :) I love it even more now they've come up with sugar-free versions, yay!

    By the way, I still snicker thinking about the 60's and how they encouraged dipping fingernails in jello solution to strengthen them... Sigh :P

  28. I love jello, but no one else here will eat it :(

    This dessert reminds of the 1-2-3 jello that used to be available, it separated on its own. It has went the wayside with Lemon and Cherry Cooler cookies, and Regal Crown sour cherry candy!

  29. Such fun. The kids and I are making this for their Oma and Bumpa who will be joining us for Thanksgiving!

  30. I love Lakeview Farms Jello Parfait and was looking for a way to make something similar at home. Thanks for this recipe. :)

  31. hahaha... laughing at the one mans comment on ordering it in a diner! yes indeed i have never had a jello that ever tasted as good as homemade! Paula i made a few of yours, the are simply delicious..also if im adding a can of fruit cocktail, in place of the water they say to add after jello is mixed well i add the juice from my fruit instead of water.


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