Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Garden Tuesday!

Welcome to Garden Tuesday at It’s All Gouda! The sun made an appearance over the weekend here in the good ol’ Pacific Northwest, and as you can see in the above photo, the yard is really starting to explode with growth and color. Let’s take a look ....The mammoth sized rhododendrons buds that I showed you last week are just starting to open. The bees are ritually dancing around these bushes as if trying to coax the flowers to open.These red blooms look rather alien now, but will burst into riotous red color in just a day or so.Ah, here we have the bane of my husband’s existence. My husband does not want dandelions in his yard. To me, grass is to be played upon so what does it matter, but he likes his yard to be green and only green. I suspect a tug of war between man and nature ‘til the end of time on that one.I love noble fir trees. I love their sturdy branches with their thick, short needles. Can you see the little pine cone starting to form on the end? Compared to other evergreen trees, Noble Firs are not super fast growers. Even so, this tree towers over our back yard. On more than one occasion in years past, we purchased live noble fir trees to use as our Christmas tree. Once the holiday season concluded, the trees were then planted in our yard. This is one of those trees. The sentimental value of it is off the charts to me.

Do you have any plants, trees, or bushes that have sentimental meaning for you in your yard?


  1. So green, so beautiful! I'm loving garden Tuesday!

  2. Don't you just love Oregon? We have such beautiful flowers and trees. Love the garden Tuesday.

  3. the fir trees would have to be my favorite too - oregon looks great at this time of year

  4. You know I have sentimental value trees! Our yard is yellow, too.

    I know someone whose wife used to nag about crabgrass, until he told her, "Look, crabgrass is manly grass. I won't have anything else." No more weed killer for him!

  5. Hah, I would give anything to have anything *but* green growing in this sad little garden of mine! I mean, if it were cold enough for dandelions to grow, not only would I have flowers, I'd also have salad greens :P

  6. Lovely! The azaleas are in bloom here, but the rhodies are still in bud.

  7. oooh. I could totally use some of that "riotous" red in my yard. Care to ship a bit over here to WI?

    In our yard, there's lots to be sentimental about... or at least mental :) The lilacs are about to bloom. They came to me as "suckers" from some bushes in my aunt's yard. She passed away 3-4 years ago, and each spring when they bloom they remind me of her.

  8. So GORGEOUS!! And the noble fir is one of my very favorites. It is my Christmas tree every year and nothing else will do. Thank you for the lovely photos!

  9. We have four o'clocks in our front flower bed I planted when we moved in...and they never left. Every year they come back, no matter how many times we've pulled them out!

    Tell your girls I say wuffle. :)

  10. Your garden looks beautiful! Hasn't the weather been great lately? I wouldn't say I'm all that sentimental but the trees in my backyard have names. It's the wild mint growing on the side of the house that takes me home.

  11. very pretty! I can't wait to see those blooms all opened up!

  12. Lovely photos, Paula. Even a dandelion is beautiful in the spring.

  13. Gorgeous photos! I should join in the fun - my tulips look wonderful right now, and we just planted our veggie garden last weekend!

  14. Your flowers look lovely, even the dandelions - we are cultivating a good sized crop of those too.

    Everything is looking very green here, if a tad waterlogged with all the storms. We have a couple of standing pools of water formed, and there are tadpoles in them :)


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