Saturday, May 16, 2009

Super Stuffed Peppers ... On The Grill!!!

Happy Saturday greetings to you all! Guess what? Guess what? That magnificent solar orb in the sky is blazing bright today over the Pacific Northwest. Not only that, it’s hot, hot, hot!

As such, today’s weather called for an equally dazzling meal. Check out these gluten free babies. I made stuffed peppers on the grill. Not just any ole stuffed peppers ... these babies are overstuffed with all sorts of Mexican style goodies. I’ve actually made gluten free stuffed peppers twice in the past couple of weeks. The first time I made them using ground chicken for the meat portion and I cooked them in the oven. They were terrific. Today, however, I used ground beef and made them on the grill. Grill trumps oven, hands down. One of the secrets that makes this so yummilicious is the cubed cheese in the filling. It makes the most delicious pockets of gooey yumminess! Mmm, mmm, good. Let's begin!These super stuffed peppers are so easy to assembly. I used up bits of this and that that I had handy, and my oh my did hubbyman love these.

Super stuffed peppers on the grill

1 lb ground beef
4 peppers halved and seeded (I used red, green, yellow, and orange peppers)
1 cup or so of leftover cooked rice, cold
¾ cup black beans, rinsed
¾ cup corn
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 cup cubed mont. jack cheese or mozzarella cheese
1 egg beaten with a couple dashes of Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons green salsa
2 tablespoons red salsa (can substitute tomato sauce)
Seasoned Salt
Black Pepper
Mexican Oregano
Chili powder

Preheat your grill to 400 degrees. Partially fill a large stockpot with water and bring to a boil. Remove from the burner, drop in your pepper halves, and let sit in the hot water for about 3-5 minutes. Remove and drain.

Meanwhile, combine all the other ingredients. Place peppers in a tall sided aluminum pan. I used two pans placing 4 halves in each pan. Over stuff each pepper making sure to fill the pepper cavity completely. The filling shrinks during cooking.

Place a double sheet of aluminum foil on the grill, and put your pan(s) on top of the foil. Pour about ½ cup of hot water into each pan. Close the lid and grill for 50 minutes.

Couple of notes: Placing the peppers in the boiling water for just a couple of minutes prior to stuffing really makes a difference. You know how sometimes the pepper remains too crunchy? Well, this precooking bath really eliminates that. Be careful, though, not to let them sit too long or they’ll be too soft.See what I mean by overstuffed? Yeeowza! Serve with additional salsa, shredded cheese (I used cotija), and avocado. Prepare to hear yummy noises. Oh, and like most recipes here at It's All Gouda, this is gluten free, all the way, baby!

My only regret with these is that Marjie is allergic to peppers. I wonder what other veggies take well to stuffings like this? Any ideas? What’s your favorite stuffed pepper recipe?


  1. You can stuff cabbage leaves, but I don't know about grilling them. I'm so glad you finally got some sunshine. We had some yesterday, but thunderstorms rolled in around 5. Bummer! Come on, summer!

  2. I never remember to stuff peppers! I can't believe you stuffed it that high, and it didn't fall all over the place.

  3. Wow, what gorgeous, huge stuffed peppers! Those look really great, Paula!I haven't tried to grill them before, but it sure looks like a great idea!
    I have stuffed tomatoes before; I wonder how they would grill?

  4. Dazzling indeed! I am SO there (is it weird if I have rice on the side?) :) I think a potato skin would hold up well to this stuffing :)

  5. 'Gooey yumminess' as you say, sums these up! Those peppers look amazing and I bet they taste soooo good!

  6. We here stuff the peppers with fish meat!

  7. yummo!

    You can stuff tomatoes - slice off a cap, remove the seeds and inner bits. Also try slicing eggplants in half lengthwise scoop out the flesh leaving a "shell" by the skin - these I've only tried baked, I added the scooped out flesh to the stuffing, however cooked it first.

    A wonderful dinner cooked by a lady from Iraq had stuffed chard, tomatoes, eggplant and onions. SHe used the sort of rice stuffing you make for stuffed vine leaves. NB the chard leaves had been pre blanched.

    Paula - despite having a really good dinner now I'm hungry!

    care and huggles, Michelle and Zebbycat

  8. Oh my! I can't wait to make these Paula - they look and sound so good, especially the little pockest of cheese. Great recipe!

  9. I know you are having great weather...I am in California and it's 103...which is TOO hot. Enjoy the sun and the peppers..OMG just amazing!

  10. I wish we had great weather it's sooooo humid here and cold. I hate new england I wanna move back to cali where it's DRY and hot.
    I love love love stuffed peppers, nicely done.

  11. I like this, I will be grilling on a charcoal grill this weekend, will definitely have to give this a try :)

  12. This not only looks incredibly yummy, it's LOVELY as well. Great beauty shots!

  13. Paula those look Delish! I had never thought of doing them on the grill....

  14. These are gorgeous, Paula!!!! I have to make these, but that means I have to give my barbecue it's spring cleaning. You've given me the incentive to do it. Bless you.

  15. summer is only round the corner - we eat a lot of stuffed peppers then from our garden. these look great

  16. you stuff the peppers, i'll stuff my face. these are awesome, paula--grilled peppers are good enough, and cramming them full of all that cheesy deliciousness makes them irresistible!

  17. So glad the sun has paid you a visit. I hope it's a nice long visit! Your peppers look wonderful and I can only imagine how fantastic they taste being cooked on the grill!

  18. I'll definitely be adding these babies to my summer grilling menu -they look amazing, Paula.

    I'm glad to hear you are getting some good weather. We have had a lot of horrendous thunderstorms lately, and were dodging tornadoes last week. (sigh) But it's sunny today. :-)

  19. Oh wow, the stuffing sounds wonderful! I just love stuffed peppers and these look so vibrant that my mouth is watering. While I do love a sunny day, here it is in the 100's so I may just come up north! Great recipe, Paula.

  20. Wasn't that weekend weather fabulous? These peppers look good. Stuffed peppers take me way back. I want to make some soon!

  21. You've definitely won my heart with these Mexican-inspired beauties -- and I'm grilling up some of these babies just as soon as I get the first local peppers from my veggie garden.

    Remind me, OK? :)

  22. Oh I am trying these for sure! Yum!

  23. Oh man these look awesome! I absolutely love stuffed peppers, but never do them like this!! I am drooling Paula. Thanks so much for the sweet comment!!

  24. (((wiping all the drool from my keyboard)))

  25. Keeping with the healthy lifestyle, we made this with ground turkey and egg-beaters. Used the equivalent of an extra egg and extra salsa to make up for the dryness of the turkey. Also added chopped peppers from the garden and some hot sauce. GREAT MEAL!!


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