Sunday, October 25, 2009

Houston We Have a Problem -- Swine Flu has landed

Hi All ~

The H1N1 virus, aka swine flu, has arrived in my home. Our first, and hopefully only victim, is my oldest daughter. As there are so many kids out sick at her school, I knew it was only a matter of time before one of my kids served as host.

The bottom line ... she's doing okay. She's definitely sick, but she is not experiencing the gloom and doom scenario broadcast across every media medium in the country. So far, the rest of us are hanging in there. I've stocked up on juice and a homeopathic product that combats the flu like symptoms. It's really helped my girl a lot. The weather, thankfully, was gorgeous on Saturday, so I was able to "air out" the house. I've disinfected door knobs, etc. and she's worn a face mask that she coughs into, but we can't live in a bubble. As with all things, we'll just do the best we can and enjoy our extra time together. My silver lining here, and I know this sounds weird, is that I no longer have to worry about her "catching it". She's caught it! That girl has always been an over-achiever!!!

Here's what she has experienced, in case you are on the lookout yourself:

- symptoms come on suddenly
- sustained fever of 100+
- body aches
- sore throat (and ears)
- cough
- bad headache
- fatigue
- slight dizziness when standing
- slight nausea, but no vomiting (whew)

So, I'll be taking a couple days off blogging to take care of my oldest daughter (who just so happened to have been my littlest baby). My youngest daughter complained of a bad headache at bedtime, my son was coughing, and I've started coughing. If we are all going to get it, I'd just as soon we get it all at once and be done with it. Even so, send all your healthy thoughts our way.

I've got lots to share when I return, including a lovely back to basics, step by step, mashed potatoes recipe. With the U.S. Thanksgiving right around the corner, plus the holiday season gearing up, mashed potatoes are a great side dish to serve yourself and your loved ones. YUM!

See you in a couple of days!


  1. Oh no! I'll be thinking of you and your little ones! If I could I'd send you some chicken soup.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that the dreaded bug has shown up. You may have a few rough days ahead. Hope you all bounce back quickly. Take care.

  3. Take care of everyone and make darn sure you take care of YOU too. Be well fast.

  4. Sick kids are no fun. Hope your daughter is better and the rest of the family stay healthy.

  5. Oh, Paula, I've been worried about this ever since you told me Swine Flu had hit your daughter's school. I hope that you and her twin escape it, at least, because I know they'll be depending on you. Take care of yourself; we wish you a speedy recovery!

  6. Thinking of you and all your loved ones...
    Take care of yourself, ya hear? If you get sick, the world falls apart, doesn't it?

  7. I'll be praying for all of you, Paula...we had a little neighbor boy that had this flu about 2 weeks ago and he did well; he had a fever of 102 at the highest and he recovered very quickly!

  8. Sending my healing thoughts your way. Hang in there! :)

  9. Ohh no Paula! Well take care and relax and get better all of ya!

  10. My sister got it last week too--I've been avoiding her like the plague!

  11. Hope she's soon better and the rest of your family is okay xx

  12. No fun. I had a terrible cold for a week and a half and now have it again. UGH!

    I hope your little one feels better soon.

  13. Oh goodness! Thanks for the sympton list. My prayers are with you!


  14. I'm so sorry for your daughter. Yep, ya' gotta keep the hands away from your face! Time for the chicken soup recipe.

  15. OMGoodness Paula, Take care of yourself and your sweet family!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear it hit your house. I sure hope everyone is well very soon.

  17. Yikes! I hope you're all better now!

  18. I think this has also made the rounds at my house, mildly but definitely made the rounds. Feel better!

  19. Dear Paula, I'm saddened that your family has been whalloped by this nasty virus, hope you are all doing okay over there. Your "Paula Chicken Noodle Soup" will be a wonderful tonic for you all.

    Do all take care of your selves as you recover - no doing too much too soon. And remember that you have a couple of kittycats to stroke/cuddle - is a wonderful healer.

    I do think you and your darlings have an immune system advantage from the food you cook and feed to all the family. Enough raving and rambling from me, sending much healing love and care,

    Michelle and Zebbycat (sensibly nose buried in a fluffy scarf - I'd better wash the scarf before his Xmas cattery vacation)

  20. hoping to hear more and better news soon, paula

  21. Have a happy Halloween, swine flu and all!

  22. Dear Paula, how are you all getting on? Massive amounts of your chicken noodle soup consumed? I know that you know that chicken soup is a wonderful healer.

    Hope all the pets have supported their unwell humans with snuggles and cuddles (the very least they could do before they demand to be fed each day).

    Failing any of this helping - eat gouda, lol!

    Sending flu free love and cuddley huggles, Michelle, with added LOUD purrrrumbling from Zebbycat

  23. Groan, sending good thoughts your way and hoping for a speedy recovery!

  24. Sorry to heard this Paula, hope your daugther is better soon!! xxxgloria

  25. So sorry to hear!! My little girl came down with something, but luckily no H1N1. I hope you all have a speedy recovery!

  26. Yep, I got this flu; it liked to killed me. I get bronchitis a couple of times a year, but this was by far the worse I have ever felt...something about the head--dizziness, nausea, just out of it and the high temps--kept me very disoriented and "holding on"!!!

  27. If your kids are sick, they should visit to have fun.


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