Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Plot Thickens

First of all, I want to thank everyone one of you for your encouraging comments here as well as your kind email messages. My daughter has recovered from H1N1 virus, and returned to school yesterday. While she does have quite a bit of school work to catch up on, it's not too, too bad because soooo many kids are out with H1N1 that the teachers have slowed down their instruction pace.

Did you ever see the old Peanut's (Charlie Brown) cartoons where the character Pig Pen always has a cloud of dusty dirt floating around him? That's how I picture this virus ... it's just a nasty cloud gleefully dusting it's parasite particles all over everything.

On second thought, it's more like a tornado. Strikes here and there with intense ferocity, causes more damage in some areas than others, and leaves a huge mess in it's wake. I suggest we change the name to Tornado Flu. I'm just sayin' ...

Anyway, my blogging friends, the plot thickens. My youngest daughter is home sick with a sinus infection, and I'm watching her carefully for signs that, in her weakened state, it does not progress into H1N1. My son woke up at 12:15 am this morning with a raging fever and all the symptoms of H1N1. Not one to be left out, my husband is also home sick. I'm doing my best to personally boost the stock price of Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and Lysol.

Plus, I'm putting all chickens on alert ... my stew pot is ready to make another batch of the golden elixir ... and I thank you for your service.

So ... it will be a few more days before I'm back to blogging. The good news is that I'll have so much fun catching up on reading all of your past posts!

Looking forward to seeing you soon .... xoxo, Paula

PS: Did I mention that in the midst of all this I cracked a molar (my back tooth) in half vertically? And I mean the sucker is completely split open like a hot dog bun. Yeah, I like to go for the gusto like that. Luckily, the tooth was already root canaled, so the pain isn't off the charts. The dentist won't touch it, and the tooth specialist can't see me until Thursday. My cup of joy runneth over. :-)


  1. After having a family with the swine flu last week, I completely wish I were closer to you so I could do something for you!! Chicken soup is a great start though, keep looking up, this too shall pass! anne


  2. Ohh girl, I hope that your entire house full feels better soon! We miss you!

  3. oooooh, a cracked tooth on top of everything. and a molar, no less. my apologies.
    yes, the plot, it does thicken. it thickens like gravy. hang in there! :)

  4. Like the old saying, "When it rains it pours!" But hopeful Pig Pen's cloud will be moving on soon. Keep the chicken soup simmering and take care.

  5. oh my gosh woman.
    well the best part? you had your "it runs in 3's"--so you're done. you know?

  6. Oh no, all that and a cracked tooth to boot! Not a good week for your family. I hope the chicken soup helps a bit and everyone recovers quickly.

  7. Oh my goodness! When it rains, it pours!

  8. Oh! Goodness! The tooth thing just sent me over the edge...flu (SICK HUSBAND) those are bad enough, but the tooth...been there done that and over Christmas.. Nothing works until the tooth comes out. NOTHING


  9. Sorry you're not across the street, so I can't help you out. For that matter, I could have sent you to see my guy Kevin for your tooth. Hope you don't get caught in the evil pig pen cloud!

    hugs from across the continent...and a big doggie kiss from Thor!

  10. Oh geez, make that pot of goodness before you succomb!

  11. Oh no, a cracked tooth is decidely unhelpfull. Be sure to nourish yourself with that chickeny wonderness and maybe show older daughter how to make it.

    We send flu free huggles and loving care, Michelle and Zebbycat (from under his quilt)

  12. Okay, I nearly screamed when I read about your tooth. OMG! That is too much. I love my molars, I couldn't live without them!
    I am hoping the rest of the family doesn't catch the flu. Also glad the young one has recovered, that's the most important thing (before schoolwork I mean :)

  13. i was thinking about you this morning as i was doing my shopping in town - good news about your daughter - my kids have a bad cough at the moment (grizzle, grizzle, grizzle)

  14. Oh my gosh! When it rains it pours! I hope that magical elixar cures you and your baby!

  15. Hope that Tooth bloke has sorted things out for you. That the Husband and Son have improved in health, and that your dear youngest is doing okay - even if she hasn't escaped the piggy flu.

    Mickle and Zebbycat send many huggly snuggles, and hope the Gouda family cats are at least being nice to their unwell humans (come on kittycats - slumbering humans equal really great feline sleeping spots)

    Ah, Paula - you know I'm a huggles one and a kittycat pushover, and so happy to share this all with the GOuda famidamily. xxxxxxxxx and much purrumbling from us

  16. I had a terrible flu last week - it was miserable. I hope you kids and husband feel better soon. Let's just hope you don't get it too!

  17. My goodness Paula, you guys are getting hit bad! I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you. I sure hope all is well soon. Please take care and take some time to yourself to recharge as well.

  18. Oh my goodness! You're gonna need a vacation after all this! Keep spraying your house down with Lysol!

  19. We hope your family gets to feeling better soon—no doubt that fabulous chicken soup you've been brewing is doing wonders!

  20. Oh, dear -- I do feel for you!
    I hope the dust cloud settles down for you soon. And, in the meantime, load up on all the good stuff!

    In the meantime, we'll be sending you lots of warm fuzzies from our end.

  21. how are you now paula?
    hope to hear good news soon

  22. Hope you and your family are OK, Paula. It's been a while since we've all "heard" from you.
    Take care.

  23. we were in the same boat last week..now on to smaller things in life...sinus infections,ear infections..i love your blog ..i am on this almost everyday..i have tried a few recepies..you are a wonderful cook...hope your household gets better soon..

    giselle, from utah

  24. Ah - still "The Dreaded Lurgi" everywhere, huh. Whether is Swine wise or standard, the Flu does tire you out. A kind of Wallop with fatigue added.

    Loving care with healing and healthy thoughts spreading over Paula and your Famdamily,

    Mickle and Zebbycat (we share sinus issues*, otherwise we're fine over here in South Western Pacific) xxxx and purrs

    * he snorts and does snuffly grumps, we both sneeze, I maintain that only Zebbycat snores!


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!