Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm still here :-)

Hi everyone ... I'm still around but unable to post and visit due to caring for my sick wee one. Littlest gouda girl is very ill with strep throat. They also suspect she has viral meningitis. My poor baby (okay she's 10 but she'll always be my baby) feels miserable. She's a tough cookie, though, and I hope to hear her laughing again in just a couple more days.

Keep coming back and I promise lots of yummy recipes to share. I'll get over to visit all of you very soon, too. See you soon! xoxo, Paula


  1. Your poor darling girl, my mother had viral meningitis when I was 10 and I remember how unwell and tired she was. I hope your wee lass feels better soon.

    Dear Paula, I so understand - look after your baby,

    sending huggles and care,
    Michelle and Zebbycat

  2. We certainly hope Little Gouda feels better soon:D

  3. Aww bless her, I really hope she's soon better xx

  4. Oh poor thing! Remember to take care of yourself while you are taking care of her, so that you don't get too run down.

  5. Oh no, I'm so sorry to read that your baby is sick. Hope she feels better VERY soon. Good thoughts are going your way.

  6. We will be here. You take care of yourself and your baby. That is what is important!


  7. how awful for you paula - you will be in my thoughts

  8. I'm so sorry! I hope she's better soon...stupid germs.

  9. I pray your daughter is well very soon!

  10. Oh no! Hope she recovers quickly. :(

  11. Aw, I hope the little one is feeling better soon. Strep throat is just so miserable, poor kid.

  12. I'm so sorry your baby is so sick! Hope she's better fast!
    Take care of yourself, too!

  13. I hope your little one feels better soon.

  14. Hey Paula -- you've been missed, but I'm definitely sending warm fuzzies over to you and your little one. Get well soon!


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!