Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Germ Fest 2010

Lordy, it's been a while since I've blogged. Littlest gouda girl has relapsed TWICE. Poor little mite has been through the wringer with these sinus related illnesses. Still fighting off strep throat and tonsillitis. After two trips to the Emergency Room and days on end in bed, she's on the mend. I tell ya, Swine Flu was less vicious than this. Bottom line ... once she's better, she'll be getting her tonsils and adnoids removed. She just gets ill wayyyyy tooooo oftennnn. Luckily for her, she's healthy otherwise. Oh, and did I mention that I caught it. And so did my husband. And so did my son. Welcome to Germ Fest 2010!!!

Have tons of recipes to share, and it's nearing that time of year again ... Gardening Time!

Hope to be back to blogging sometime soon. Miss You All!


  1. I was going to email you later to see if you'd all gotten Germ Fested! I'm so glad you're well enough to at least update us. I owe you a nice, long email, and you shall have it, but not until after my grocery delivery arrives. I plan to play the part of princess, and sit on my duff supervising the gents as they move and put away everything! Hugs to all of you.

  2. Oh, Paula, you poor thing. This has been going on forever it must seem. My gkids just got their adnoids removed and we're hoping this reduces some of the problems they've been having. Hope you all are feeling better very soon.

  3. Really glad to hear things are heading in the healing direction. I will be checking in daily to see when those recipes are up and to hear about the road to health I hope all of you are on.

  4. Oh my goodness Paula! I've been worried about you and yours. Hopefull everyone will be back on their feet soon.

  5. So sorry for all your family's sicknesses this winter Paula...it's not only hard on the ones sick, but doubly hard on poor mom!
    I pray your daughter gets well soon and that the surgery takes care of the problem.
    I'm also looking forward to your new posts! Blessings!

  6. hang in there, paula! this is one festival i'm glad to be missing out on. :)

  7. Oh geez, I'm so sorry. Your poor family! I hope you are all well soon!

  8. I miss you too, hopefully everyone is on the mend in your little hospital!

  9. We miss you too Paula!
    That sounds miserable :( I hope things start to look better soon (and pasteurized, lol.)

  10. Oh, my... Paula, you've been through it all this year. And I send warm fuzzy thoughts. You've been missed. And I'm wishing you all a swift recovery... and a respite from all the nasty germs!

  11. well i am waiting to hear that its all gouda once again!

  12. Oh Paula, I guess you're very thankful that older gouda girl was spared. What a time of it. Now, rest up and heal - we can wait for the food goodies.

    I was sneezing myself silly this Summer - turns out is a bad Summer for allergy issue. Thankfully found some tablets that work.

    Sending huggles to you all, Michelle and Zebbycat (from under his quilt)

  13. Oh, goodness Paula! I am glad you are doing better, but don't rush. We will be waiting for you.


  14. Goodness me, Paula, you have all been through the wringer. I hope you are all on the mend. I haven't been around much myself lately, I guess we've all had our troubles. Well, things can only get better from here on in. Take care.

  15. I hope you guys are feeling better soon! UGH.

  16. Paula! I was gone too and just checked in. So sorry to hear you have all been so very sick, especially your little girl. :( Hopefully, you are all mending now and you are just getting caught up. I had to take about a month off just to regain my sanity.

    One of my blogging friends has had to go gluten free so I sent her over here. One of the best sites I know. Take care, friend. Prayers for you and your family.

  17. Sorry to hear about the sickness. Just wanted to let you know that Robynn sent me your way. :-D


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!