Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Look!

Playing around with templates today. What do you think of this look? It's kind of fun messing around with different templates!


  1. I like it. It's calm, yet fun. Green and brown is a good combo - kinda reminds me of Andes's thin mints - yum!

  2. I really like it. Clean, calm, but still pretty!

  3. How did you know green was my favorite color?? :-)

    Nice look.

  4. I think you have found "home" Paula. Green and brown are not only my favourite colours but are very relaxing colours.

  5. I could spend hours playing around with templates. That's why I don't. My blog is unbelievably boring white. Though this summer, I might, gasp, actually put a picture in my header. Love green and brown.

  6. I like it! I think it livens up the look. I know what you mean - I get caught up in playing with something or another and spend hours with it.

  7. I LIKE this one. I need a facelift so BADLY on my blog. I'm afraid it'll turn out like Joan Rivers, though!

  8. I LOVE itand it suits you......that wasn't so hard now was it??

  9. I leave town for one lousy weekend and you change it up on me? I was confused! It's pretty. But I'm still confused.

  10. I think the new template looks really cute!

    The bean and tuna salad looks really tasty, healthy, and filling.


It's so gouda to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!