Monday, May 17, 2010

TBS: Tuna and Bean Salad!

Now that warmer weather is at long last blasting it's way through the Pacific Northwest cloud cover, it's time to initiate the summer salad routine. Here's one that I've loved for years. It's kind of peasant fare, but tends to get rave reviews as if it were made of more regal stuff.  I bet 9 out of 10 of you have the ingredients in your pantry and fridge. 

Bean and Tuna Salad 

1 6oz can tuna packed in olive oil
1 15 oz can small white beans, drained and rinsed
2 T green pepper, chopped
4 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 T red onion, small diced
2 T chopped parsley

Dressing:Whisk together:
1 small garlic clove, minced
Olive oil - 2 parts
Vinegar - 1 part
1/2 teaspoon - dijon style mustard
favorite herbs - such as basil, oregano

In a large mixing bowl, combine tuna, beans, pepper,tomatoes, and onion. Toss with a small amount of dressing, adding more to suit your taste. Serve immediately. Keeps very well, too; the beans tend to really absorb the longer it sits.

This salad is easily a meal in and of itself. The beans have a delicate flavor that pairs wonderfully with the tuna. I've also had this with grilled tuna, and that's over-the-moon good. The peppers add a nice crunch, and the tomatoes provide sweetness. Take care with the onion ... you just want it for a nice flavor addition. The dressing, which is basically a viniagrette, is tangy and garlicy. You could punch this up with some diced jalepeno peppers if you like heat, or some olives or capers if you like those flavors. I like it all! :-)

There you have it. In about 5 minutes, you can create a yummilicous salad that's perfect for the warmer days on the horizon. This holds up very well for potlucks and picnics, and it is gluten free, too. What's your favorite tuna salad?


  1. I like my tuna with pickles and shredded carrots in it, along with some tomatoes. Tuna salad's one of those great things that can be made so many ways! And now you have me wanting some...

  2. I have this marked to be my lunch of choice, beginnig just as soon as school lets out!!! I'm always looking for quick and easy things to make for myself during the summer. Cause I deserve a good lunch!

  3. Oh YEAH! This looks so yummy, and I have ALL the ingredients in the cupboard! I was thinking of even adding a few sliced olives, but the Old Guy doesn't like 'em... so maybe I'll just save those for my plate!
    You could probably use 3 or 4 bean salad too? I've got heaps of cans of those, as well as some garbanzo's...

  4. if i liked tuna, i'd be all over this. heck, i might be all over it anyway--it looks pretty darn pleasing! can you feel it? summer is near. :)

  5. I must confess, I don't have beans in my pantry, but thanks for reminding me that I should :) I've only ever had tuna salads that had mayo in them, but I know I'll love this much, much more :)

  6. This looks good - I'd use a different coloured pepper but that is only my fussy taste buds.

    After chopping, try soaking the red onion in a bowl of water for 10 to 30 minutes, then drain. This removes any nasties folks may find too strong tasting while keeping the crispness and oniony flavour. For a zing soak in a nice vinegar, then drain, etc..... - works with brown/yellow onions too.

  7. I have taken up a new leaf and am eating plenty of bean salads. I am of course always looking for new ideas so thanks for the change up!!

  8. I love tuna salad...thanks for another delightful gluten free recipe!


  9. Paula, I came in here when I should be making soup! You always make me hungry and I can tell this will be something I'll use through the summer. THANKS! Hey, I miss you. Was it something I said? I'm always saying SOMETHING so, probably!

  10. Oh I can SLEEP tonight! My foot is SO much smaller than my mouth that it goes in far too easily! And of course you were missed but I'm still eatin' your food all the time so I think of you often! lol

    Thanks for dropping by and I'm glad you think the spelling program will be a good fit! :)

  11. I have got to try this! It looks delicious and just wish I could convince hubby of the beans! Thanks for the great recipe!

  12. Simple to prepare and full of nutrients. Thanks for sharing this idea.


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